Shutterstock/Kaspars Grinvalds

How I discovered masturbation

I first found out about sex when I was 13. It was a series of things that were happening all at the same time. That year, we saw a woman nude on screen for the first time and discovered a favourite pastime: masturbation.

Siddahnt  (name changed) is an MA English Literature student

All boys

I studied at an all-boys boarding school and my gang of four friends had remained unchanged since the year I joined the school.

Being surrounded by older boys we were introduced to the fashionable slang of the time probably a little sooner than most day scholars. And by the time we were 11 words like shagging, dicking, buggering and wanking were a natural fit in our lingo. I’m sure we sounded really stupid but all our seniors were talking like that and we desperately wanted to be like them.


The year my friends and I found out about sex was an important one for two other reasons. That year, we saw a woman nude on screen for the first time and we discovered masturbation. We had movie nights every Saturday when we would be allowed to watch one English film pre-selected by the Principal.

I still don't know how they did it but a group of twelfth standard guys managed to screen Titanic, the biggest hit of the year. Halfway into the movie we were already in love with Rose, then the famous painting scene came on screen, and four of us from Class 8 B saw our first glimpse of a naked woman. A couple of months later one of us discovered masturbation ‘accidentally’ and it quickly became our favourite pastime.


We found out the details of what sex involved through the generosity of one of our seniors. The boarding was buzzing with news of a seriously dirty book doing the rounds and we were dying to read it. But being in the 8th standard meant we had to wait for all the seniors to get done with it before it reached us. Luckily we didn't have to wait too long, a boy from the 12th grade agreed to lend it to us for a night in exchange for four packets of Wai Wai noodles.

The dirty book turned out to be an Archie comic that had been modified by the guy who owned it. He had drawn anatomically correct additions over the original illustrations and included a racy storyline in the margins to go with the new and improved look of the comic.

The drawings were actually a little sloppy but our imagination made up for it. Actually, it was the ‘descriptive’ story that finally laid out all the details of what the word sex meant. That night we all knew we would never look at an Archie comic in the same way ever again.

*To protect the identity, names have been changed and the person/s in the picture is/are models.

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