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Abortion: top five facts

Unsure about being pregnant?
Abortion - much has been said about whether or not women should have the right to decide to abort a foetus. A lot will depend on your religious or personal beliefs and its legality in your country. Read more on abortions in our top five facts.

Does Indian law allow abortion?

Yes, abortion is absolutely legal in India (under certain conditions) and did you know that women don’t need their husband/parent’s permission to have one? To mark the Global Day of Action for Safe and Legal Abortion, we bust five prevalent myths about abortion in India.

Abortion: myths busted

Unsure about being pregnant?
Abortion is a topic people feel very strongly about, either in favour of or against it. And with all the myths there are, it's good to know which ones are wrong before making up your mind about abortions.

Will I be able to conceive after an abortion?

Hi Auntyji.. I just found out that I am pregnant and need to go for an abortion as I am not ready for the responsibility of a child. I fear I may not be able to conceive in the future. Is that true? I hope not. Madhu, 22 years, XXXX

Abortion is not a substitute for contraception

Our Bodies
Love Matters India brings the best advice from gynaecologists for women seeking an abortion.

Why women choose abortion: 10 common reasons

Unsure about being pregnant?
Abortions are most often a result of unwanted pregnancies. Love Matters brings you 10 common reasons why women or couples seek abortions.

Should I feel guilty after an abortion?

Unsure about being pregnant?
My girlfriend and I opted for an abortion. We weren’t ready to have a child. But now we feel guilty about the whole thing. Was our decision wrong? Ravi (22), Bhopal.

I feel attracted to older women, help!

Making Love
Is it normal if you want to have sex with women who are much older than you? I have already had sex with many older ladies in their 30s and 40s. What should I do? Sameer, 21, Saharanpur.