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When can we have sex after her abortion?

Unsure about being pregnant?
My girlfriend just had an abortion. I want to know in how many days she may be able to conceive again. Also, I am feeling kind of upset about the whole thing... so help me out here, please. Ishaan (23), Lucknow.

Accessing a safe abortion: Dos and don’ts

Unsure about being pregnant?
In India, the problem with abortion isn’t about legality– it’s about accessibility. The challenge is to make women aware that it is legal and can be done safely.

What if someone saw you there?

‘Are you mad?’ Namit shouted at Ridhi when she told him that she was going with Shweta to support her during an abortion. Ridhi was torn - help her best friend or listen to her boyfriend?. What would you do? - Kya Doge Saath?

I wanted to slap my daughter

Unsure about being pregnant?
‘How could Lavi and Rohit be so careless!’ Lavanya’s teenage pregnancy had shocked her mother Shobita. She didn’t know whether to punish her daughter or take her to a doctor. What would you do? Kya Doge Saath?

I had four abortions before I turned 21

Supriya’s abusive relationship took her through not one, not two, but four abortions. It was not until the fourth termination that Supriya found the courage to break this cycle of abuse. Yet, she does not regret it as it allowed her to be the person she is today - who respects her body.

I wasn’t ready to be a father at 22

Birth Control
‘We were friends with benefits and that’s all that we wanted'. Suman’s unplanned pregnancy had scared Abhay a lot and he didn’t know whether to flee or fight. What would you do? -Kya Doge Saath?

I listened to my body, I chose abortion

The experience of first difficult childbirth left Subashini in a state of postpartum depression. When she discovered she was pregnant again, within a couple of months, she chose abortion as she was not ready for another round of labour pains and sleepless nights.

I chose abortion to give my daughter a better future

Overcoming the family pressure to try for a son, who would 'carry' the family name forward, Malini decided to abort her unplanned pregnancy - to give her daughter a better future.