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Female orgasm - Ten must know facts

Sex is not just about intercourse. It also means pleasure, fun, ecstasy and orgasm. Love Matters brings you a list of tips to help her enjoy her orgasm.

I only have clitoral orgasms – is that OK?

Auntyji, I can only orgasm with clitoral stimulation. It’s fun but is getting dull. My partner and I miss the excitement. What’s wrong with me? Can you make sense of it? Anju (24), Baroda.

How can I get my wife to orgasm?

Making Love
Hi Auntyji, I want my wife to climax/have an orgasm. What sex position should we follow?
Armaan, 25, Lucknow

Surprising ways for a woman to orgasm

If you think the only way for a woman to climax is through clitoral or vaginal stimulation, think again. Other parts of the body can trigger orgasms too, say Canadian researchers.

The ultimate orgasm techniques for women revealed

What drives a woman wild in bed? Over 1000 gals weigh in on multiple orgasms, the pleasure of delayed orgasms, and the kind of genital touch that feels just right, in a recent US study.

Women who have more orgasms: what’s their secret?

Don’t orgasm as often as your man? Recent research reveals what the two of you can do about it.

These guys give the best orgasms

​​​​​​​Are guys with winning personalities better in bed? Recent research reveals that men with certain traits give their partners more orgasms.

How can I ask my bf to give me orgasms?

Hi Auntyji, my boyfriend seems disinterested in working towards my orgasms. He says it's too time consuming! I feel a little let down... what can I do? Divya, 23 years, Kolkata.