
COVID-19 and employment - Answers to your questions

Love Matters India organised five youth consultations across the country on the Coronavirus Pandemic. In these consultations, concerns and challenges caused by the pandemic were discussed with college students. Lockdown, school/college closures, illness in the family, financial difficulties and vaccine hesitancy featured in the discussion. Love Matters also compiled a list of questions young people had on their minds with regard to the pandemic. On this page, we are publishing answers to the questions asked during the consultations about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Will we be able to get jobs due to lack of knowledge?

If you believe that you lack knowledge, look for ways and opportunities to increase your knowledge by either enrolling yourself in some online course or reading up on that subject. There are many resources available on the internet. You can also talk to someone who is already working in that sector to increase your knowledge. A lot of actual knowledge is also gained while being on a job, so look for training or internship opportunities. Knowledge gained via a training or internship will help you immensely during a job interview.

The middle class family has faced most problems during the pandemic and we are all worried about getting employed.

Yes, the Coronavirus pandemic has impacted us all either physically, mentally, emotionally or financially. The impact on the poor and middle class has no doubt been very hard. Work has been affected severely in all major sectors. However, there is always light at the end of a dark tunnel. Just be patient and hang in there. Businesses are slowly crawling back to normal and the job opportunities will soon see an increase. In the meanwhile, it is important that everyone gets vaccinated so that the risk of serious illness is reduced and business can reopen without fear.

How will you earn when there is no work?

Yes, the Coronavirus has impacted all aspects of our life, including our jobs and income. Work has been affected severely in all major sectors. It is also a hard decision for the government as it was our life versus our livelihood. 

To ensure that we are able to get back to livelihoods, it is important to reduce the risk caused by the Coronavirus. Vaccination is currently the only way out of this. Let us all get vaccinated and there will be light at the end of this dark tunnel. Our economy, work and businesses will crawl back to normal. This too shall pass.

People who were earlier working in another state, will they get a job again?

Once the infection spread comes under control, businesses will be able to reopen and jobs will be available again. However, it may take some time for things to return to normal. Currently, some states have restrictions on movement of people to control the spread of infection. But once the pandemic comes under control, everyone will be free to travel to any state for work. There will be no restriction on looking for jobs in another state.

There are vacancies but we are not able to join. What should we do?

Please try and apply for the job vacancy through email/phone call. Send your resume/biodata and apply. If you have a phone number or email id for the job vacancy, call them or email them. Do not wait for the offices to open. Just apply. These days, the interviews can be conducted online and work can be started from home. Keep trying.

Right now due to Corona we are not able to study, so what will the government do to help us with a job?

The government has many schemes such as Saksham Yuva Yojna, which enables any person above 18 to choose the skill which he or she wants to learn and develop to get an employment opportunity or either take up a self-employment plan. It also provides all of the eligible applicants with an unemployment allowance amount and honorarium.

Another such scheme by the government is the Prime Minister Employment Generation Program where any individual, above 18 years of age and at least VIII standard pass can apply for projects costing above Rs.10 lakh in the manufacturing sector and above Rs. 5 lakh in the business / service sector. There may be similar schemes by the state government.

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