Aunty ji, I am very upset. It feels like I am managing everything alone in my marriage. Like- home, cooking, taking care of in-laws, work. I think every responsibility has become mine. My husband just doesn’t understand that I need help too. I watched the movie Mrs., and I felt like Richa’s story was my own. Are relationships really like this? What should I do? – Soumya, Samastipur
I'm a little confused about how much I should tell my partner about my past relationships or if I should even tell them at all. Will it create problems in our relationship? Aunty, please give me some advice. Anika, Meerut.
Hello Aunty, I've read about the side effects of sanitary napkins and I'm considering using a menstrual cup instead. However, I'm scared it might affect my virginity. Komal, 25 years, Jaipur
Auntyji, I had sex with my girlfriend without a condom but it was the last day of her period. Can having sex during periods lead to pregnancy? Sahil, 22, Delhi.
Hi Aunty ji, my period days are horrible. I have unbearable pain during my periods - so much so that I am not able to attend my college classes and have to sit at home for all five days. However, when I tell my mother to take me to a doctor, she says it's normal and everything will be ok after marriage. Is it true? Sarika, 20.
Hi Auntyji, I am just so confused. Is abortion like killing a baby? Wouldn’t the baby feel the pain? It does have a heartbeat, right? Isn’t it a sin then? Manya, Delhi.
It’s embarrassing but I am having serious problems with getting erections. Not always but sometimes. This wasn’t the case earlier though. Am I getting some condition? What can I do? It’s really embarrassing! Help! – Sushil (28), Mumbai.
Hi Auntyji.. I just found out that I am pregnant and need to go for an abortion as I am not ready for the responsibility of a child. I fear I may not be able to conceive in the future. Is that true? I hope not. Madhu, 22 years, XXXX
My girlfriend and I opted for an abortion. We weren’t ready to have a child. But now we feel guilty about the whole thing. Was our decision wrong? Ravi (22), Bhopal.