A lovely review for a lovely film. Ayushmann and Jitendra's chemistry as Kartik and Aman was like a breathe of fresh air. Most on screen heterosexual pairings in today's hindi films don't have the lived-in quality of Aman and Kartik wherein the characters and their relationship feels real and heart-warming. Also, I believe the whole point of Goggle's storyline is that she doesn't require love or marriage to be happy and fulfilled. One of my favourite scenes in the movie is when Goggle is taking 'pheras' on her own with her parents throwing flowers at her, just like when family members throws flowers at a couple taking 'pheras' during their wedding. It shows that she doesn't require a spouse or partner to 'complete' herself. She is complete on her own. As an asexual individual, I found Goggle's story extremely heartening.


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