I so wish it was this easy as it sounds in this article .. like four five days and figuring out everything and connecting the dots! Perhaps it is for some. I have been on pills for4 years plus n faced tremendous anxiety n mood swings .. and there were times I could cry when I felt like laughing .. it has been so mixed of emotions. With two different brands .. n even after stop the pill the mood swings continued . sometimes cuz of disturbed hormones and trying to fix them artificially But I never believed it was medicines! I discontinued medicines for past 5 months, still face extreme mood swings where I can’t control my emotions. My gyna only suggested exercise a few times a week! I try to do exercise 3-5 times depending on schedule n strength on period days! I guess this helps. It’s very difficult to acknowledge n understand every emotions .. I wish there were better ways to manage these hormones .. in us! Weight gain is just one of the side effects .. but the fact it tortures u for no concrete reason, loneliness .. emptiness despite you have everything .. just makes you feel horrible ..


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