All stories

He just enters me and then…

Making Love
He just thrusts his penis into my vagina and we are done! I want him to satisfy me, but I am helpless. Sumi shares her story of unfulfilled sexual desires with Love Matters India.

Why Seema bhabhi buys really long vegetables?

Love and relationships
Once at a vegetable market, Jyoti overheard two female vendors giggling about how Seema bhabhi always buys really long vegetables. The stress was on the vegetables being ‘long’! This confused Jyoti. Why would anyone think about the length of the vegetables? She shares her joyful discovery with us.

When the penis size didn’t matter

Making Love
Urmi was excited to meet Vishal for the first time after sexting with him for a couple of weeks. They wanted to have sex soon and fixed a date and time. But there was something bothering Urmi. Will it end up like her previous dates? There was something missing! She shares her story with Love Matters India.

How to change name or gender on mark sheets?

Love and relationships
Akash, a transman, changed his gender and name but his school and college certificates still bear his birth name. Whenever he has to appear in a job interview, it becomes tough to prove that the documents are his. Can he change his name and gender on his mark sheets? Let's find out.

How to legally change your gender/name?

Sexual Diversity
Changed your gender/name but that ID card still has the same old details? How can you change your name and gender legally? Let’s help you find out.

‘Was my vagina tight for him?’

Our Bodies
‘But there was a secret. A secret that I hadn’t revealed to Jithin yet. I was achingly waiting for Jithin to come and hold me, but was also scared about what could happen next,’ Hina told Love Matters India as she shared her story.

‘Addicted’ to Masturbation? Here’s what you can do!

Our Bodies
‘I masturbate 4-5 times a day, is it too much!’, ‘I want to stop masturbating every day’ ‘How to control the urge to masturbate?’ ‘How much is too much?’ If some of these questions are on your mind, Love Matters has some helpful tips and tricks for you.

I froze my eggs!

Anika wanted to be a mother. But not before she had accomplished her career goals and met the right person. She shares her story with Love Matters India writer Arpit Chikkara about how she secured her plans for motherhood by getting her eggs frozen.