
G-spot: top five facts

G-spot is the cherry on the cake when it comes to women and sex. Stimulating it supposedly gives sensational orgasms. But there is one problem: few people can find it. And some even claim it doesn't exist. Check out the facts!
  1. What is the g-spot?
    The g-spot is a super-sensitive area inside your vagina. It's made of erectile-like tissue, similar to the clitoris. It's about the size of a small coin, but it can get bigger when it's being stimulated. And stimulating it will feel very nice and can even lead to intense arousal, exciting orgasms and even female ejaculation.

    But don't expect instant explosions by just touching it. It takes some time, practice and persistence to understand what makes your g-spot tingle. Think of your clitoris: there are certain things you like, others you don't, some are painful, and some will drive you over the edge. The same goes for the g-spot. But, keep in mind that all this trial-and-error will eventually be rewarded with pleasure, so don't give up!
  2. Where can I find the g-spot?
    The g-spot is located on the inside of the vagina, about one to three inches from the vaginal opening on the front wall. If you want to find it, you should lie down on your back, take a few deep breaths and relax. Gently insert your finger about a finger-length into your vagina, with your palm facing up. Press firmly on the front wall of your vaginal wall or make a tickling move with your finger. If you feel a spongy area, you are on the right spot. It may feel a bit weird and wrinkly. But it should definitely feel a bit different than the surrounding areas. If you find the area, keep pressing or 'tickling' it and hopefully, you will start feeling aroused.


  3. Your g-spot, your partner and fantastic orgasms
    Once you have found your g-spot, it's time to introduce your partner to your new-found pleasure hotspot. Guide them and help them find it with their fingers first, as part of foreplay, for example.

    You can also try to stimulate your g-spot during intercourse. Thankfully, this doesn't mean that you have to perform acrobatic stunts in the bedroom. Often, it's enough to just alter the angle of the penis a bit. When you are on top, for example, lean backwards a bit, to make sure that the penis strokes the front wall of the vagina, where your g-spot is located.

    Just like finding your g-spot, this might take some practice. Don't expect fireworks the first time you try; but keep going. Practice makes perfect!

    Watch our animated video to learn more about G-spot and other parts of a woman's body!



  • G-shot surgery for more pleasure?
    Special injections can make the g-spot bigger and easier to find, an American plastic surgeon claims. According to him, 87 percent of women get more aroused after having the shot. He even hosts 'G-shot parties', where groups of women come to see him to get their injections together. The effects of the injections only last for a few months, however, and so if you want to keep enjoying the benefits, you need to cash out over one lakh rupees or US $1850 every four months.

    Other health experts have serious doubts about the procedure and warn women against it. It's invasive and has neither been tested by independent scientists, nor has it been approved by government bodies. So you should really think twice about getting yourself into something that could be a risk for your health, even if it promises to improve your sex life.


  • But really now... does it exist?
    If you look at the scientific literature, you will soon see a divided world – those scientists who believe in the existence of the g-spot, and those who don't. Take a recent study from the UK, for example. Scientists interviewed 900 women and their twin sisters, just over half of whom reported having a g-spot. They concluded that the g-spot experience is most likely due to openness in bed, rather than an anatomical feature.

    Other scientists defending the g-spot immediately jumped at the study's results, claiming that they weren't reliable. They said because the women should have been observed or examined.
    And the same seems to happen every time a new g-spot study comes out – one camp of scientists will tear apart any study that claims the g-spot exists, while the other camp will find ever-new reasons to prove its existence.

    So until now, the scientific world hasn't decided whether or not the g-spot exists. 

The article was published first on March 28, 2013. 

What about you: do you think the g-spot exists? Have you found it? Leave us a comment, or join our Facebook discussion.