Breaking up

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My gf is getting married. What should I do?

Breaking up
Hi Auntyji, my girlfriend is getting married. I am devastated and can’t believe it is actually happening. What can I do? Ashutosh, 23, Allahabad.

My ex blackmailed me to take him back

Breaking up
Arnav broke up with his boyfriend Abhik. It was three months later that the ‘I still love you’ phone calls started. And when the begging didn’t work, the blackmail began.

Five ways in which breakup can impact your brain

Breaking up
While most of us know about the general effects of a breakup, there is little awareness about how it can specifically affect one's brain. Read on as we take you through five ways in which a breakup affects those little grey cells…

How to deal with rejection: Do’s and don’ts

Meeting someone
You like someone, you can’t stop thinking about them, you ask them out and they refuse. What do you do now? Here are some do’s and don’ts to deal with rejection.

Sex with your ex: helpful or harmful?

Breaking up
Does sleeping with a past partner make it more difficult to get over them? Sex with your ex might not be so bad after all, recent research shows.

Top reasons young couples break up

Breaking up
How is breaking up different when you’re young? Though ending a relationship is tough no matter how old you are, recent Canadian research reveals the most common reasons teens and young adults call it quits.

Are all women insensitive and selfish?

Breaking up
Auntyji, my gf dumped me recently. She has no remorse about it. Do women like to use boys and throw them away when they are bored? It's hurtful. Ravi (24), Kanpur.

My ex behaves like we’re still dating

Breaking up
My bf and I broke up about eight months ago. We are still friends, but I get the feeling he wants to be together again. How can I ask him to step back without hurting him? Gia (24), Patna.