What are female condoms
Female condoms are a barrier method of contraception and preventing STIs and STDs. The material and basic function of a female condom are the same as that of the more popular condoms for men.
A female condom is worn by a woman inside her vagina for sex involving intercourse. This condom, with its ring-like formation on either end, is to catch in the penis and its ejaculate during sexual intercourse.
The female condom resembles a bag in that aspect (see pic above and below). Its closed end rests near the cervix and lines itself against the vaginal walls so that no semen passes through to cause an unintended pregnancy.
Have you found your best condoms? Comment below!

How popular are female condoms?
Female condoms, in relation to male condoms, are not too popular yet. This could be for a variety of reasons – they are over 40 per cent costlier than male condoms and are required to be inserted inside the woman’s vagina.
There’s a stigma against women who go to buy contraceptives themselves. Also, they are not as widely available at neighbourhood pharmacies. Men still dominate decisions around sex and contraceptive usage.
Need tips on how to use condoms? Click here.
See below a comparison picture of a male and a female condom. On the left side is a male condom, which is smaller in size. Right side shows a female condom. Which is your best condom?

Reliable or not?
Female condoms can be fairly reliable but not a fool-proof method of contraception. Their success rate is lower than that of male condoms.
While they offer protection against the risk of STIs and STDs, to prevent pregnancy, they must be used in combination with other contraception methods like oral contraception, copper T, etc.
What’s important
An important thing to remember is that when a female condom is being used by a heterosexual couple, the male partner must not use a condom. This tip on how to use condoms if very important. Only one partner should be wearing a condom, else the friction will cause either or both condoms to tear off and expose the partners o risk of unintended pregnancy, STIs and STDs.
In 2016, the Indian government entered a collaboration with an India-based company to manufacture and popularise female condoms. However, they still remain quite expensive and unaffordable for large portions of the population.
This article was first published on April 1, 2019.
Do you have questions on birth control options? Have you found your best condoms? Do you have questions on how to use condoms? Ask Love Matters on our Facebook page or consult our LM experts on our discussion forum.
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Udaan Collaborative is a network of private sector stakeholders including general practitioner, gynecologist, pharmacists, and organizations who focused on making sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services more accessible and youth-friendly across India. It provides a digital platform with resources like a chatbot, helpline, and access to healthcare providers, aiming to offer young people a safe, private, and non-judgmental space for their health needs.