Top Facts

Millions of facts about sex and love exist out there. So what are the most important? We break down love, sex and relationships into easy bits of important information.

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Life still very hard for LGBTQIA+ community

It has been close to two years since homosexuality was declared legal in India. Life is still hard for couples from the LGBTQIA+ community, as they do not enjoy the same rights and freedoms as their heterosexual counterparts. Let’s see what these challenges are:

What makes June so special?

June is celebrated as the Pride month all over the world. It’s a month of celebration, unity and the time to paint the town with rainbow colours. Want to know more? Read on!

Five ways to save the planet while having sex!

Does having sex affect environment in any way? Yes! If you love your planet but also love having sex, here are some tips to go eco-friendly.

Domestic violence: The way out

Domestic violence is a legally punishable offense in India.Yet one in three women between the ages of 15 face violence at home. It also rose sharply during the COVID-19 lockdowns. This violence can be physical, sexual, emotional or even financial. If you are suffering from it, what can you do to break the cycle? We bring to you some practical advice and tips.

Does Unwanted 72 or IPill delay your periods?

If your periods are delayed for more than three weeks after taking the emergency contraceptive pill like Unwanted 72 or Ipill, you should take a pregnancy test at home.

After the lockdown: Love and dating tips

We know you have a long list of plans for when the lockdown ends! A bike ride with friends, your bestie’s birthday party or that long pending date. But can you go ahead and do all this? We detail it for you in the article below.

Self care at home - ten things you should do!

Locked at home, no outings, not meeting friends, nothing seems exciting. Haina? Even having a haircut or getting your eyebrows done feels like a far fetched idea in these times. If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or panicking, be reassured that this is a very normal response. All you need is some self-care, some TLC ( tender love caring).

'I feel frustrated sitting at home all day'

Men are out of work and sitting at home, food is scarce, women are managing households without help.There is a shortage of food, other essentials, lots of anger and frustration. But there are also smiles. Love Matters India asked young people and their families in Bihar about how they are coping in these difficult times.

WhatsApp news - check before you forward!

It’s important to filter health advice and information, what is true and what is fake, especially for serious health issues and in times of public health emergencies when panic is widespread and we desperately need some positive news or certainty. Love Matters brings a few tips and tricks on handling health news.

Living with family - how to maintain privacy

If you have been living on your own – studying or working in a different city – this forced family time can seem like a Herculean summit to scale. Here is a survival guide on how to stay with parents, maintain privacy and retain sanity amid this Coronavirus lockdown.

How to date during a shutdown?

Being confined at homes is not easy. Especially for lovers. For couples living together, it is a great opportunity to reconnect and fire up that spark all over again. For those of you in that early phase of dating, not being able to meet up, go out and do things together can truly make it seem like the worst of times. Except it doesn’t have to be that way. Read our article for such tips!

Same-sex marriage in India: Top facts

When we hear the word marriage, we immediately picture a bride and a groom. But what about a bride and a bride or a groom and a groom? Unfortunately, the Indian legal system does not yet recognise same-sex marriages, making them a distant dream for homosexual couples in the country.