Top Facts

Millions of facts about sex and love exist out there. So what are the most important? We break down love, sex and relationships into easy bits of important information.

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Before you get sexually active, get HPV vaccine!

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix – the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. It includes vulva, and vagina and is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus that is generally transmitted through sexual contact. 

Living a healthy life with HIV/AIDS

There is no cure for HIV yet, but an HIV positive person can live a longer and healthier life with timely antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender: What do these terms mean?

Ek tha raja, ek thi rani. We have all grown up on stories where there was a man and a woman and they fell in love. But what about people who don’t feel like a man or a woman? What about men who fall in love with men or women who fall in love with women? Don't forget to check out the video at the end of the article.

Kegel exercises: Your key to amazing orgasms and more!

You can do them lying on your bed, they help you get amazing orgasms, they help in easier child-birth and they help reduce urinary incontinence. Need we give you more reasons for this magic exercise for your vagina? Get started now!

Making love - Are there any safe days?

So when can a female get pregnant? Well, that’s when she is ovulating. And what’s that exactly? Not to worry! Love Matters brings you all the gyaan on ovulation to help you get to the answer of this evergreen query.

Swollen testicles: Get tested for varicocele

If you are experiencing pain in your testicle(s) or they appear swollen, get yourself tested for varicocele. A persisting varicocele can cause infertility. It can be treated surgically.

Wet dreams: top five facts

Wet dreams – waking up in the middle of the night to wet and sticky sheets. Weird and unnatural? No, perfectly normal! Can women have them, too? Let's find out more in this article.

‘Yes I do, but alone’

When we think about porn, we imagine a picture of a man watching it. But do you know Indian women are among the biggest consumers of porn in the world? Love Matters India asked young women about their porn consumption, choices, and patterns.

Vaginismus: Top facts

Vaginismus is a condition that causes the vaginal muscles to tighten, leading to discomfort or pain, for example, during penetrative sex or insertion of a tampon. Love Matters brings you the details on the condition and how it can be treated.

Earlobes, back, neck & other pleasure spots for lovemaking

If until now you’ve restricted your lovemaking to lips, breasts and genitals, it’s time to explore and arouse the rest of the body. Love Matters brings you top facts on other pleasure spots of our body!

Sex or masturbation – how do girls get an orgasm?

Love Matters asked women what worked better for their pleasure meter – masturbation or sex with a partner. Here’s what they had to say.

Revenge porn - How to deal with it

You shot an intimate video with your ‘trustworthy’ partner in the moment of passion and forget all about it. After your break-up, it has now ended up on a porn website for everyone to see! This is called revenge porn. Love Matters India will help you handle this sensitive situation.