Top Facts

Millions of facts about sex and love exist out there. So what are the most important? We break down love, sex and relationships into easy bits of important information.

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Male cancers and Movember: Top Five Facts

Movember is here! The month for that curious combination of hairy top lips and prostate cancer awareness. Around the world, guys are growing moustaches – not for fashion value, but as a statement to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men, like testicular cancer.

Breast cancer: Top Five Facts

Breast cancer: every woman should know the basics. Why? Because the earlier cancer is found, the better the survival rate. So it's really important to know what to look for. Read the top five facts and pledge to check your breasts monthly!

Erectile dysfunction: Top Five Facts

Erectile dysfunction – there are few things men are more reluctant to talk about than trouble getting an erection. It's something that ‘happens to other people’. In reality it isn't all that uncommon. So know your facts: here's our top five.

Paid sex: Top Five Facts

Paying for sex is taboo – nobody wants to admit doing it. It's gross, weird, or even perverse. At least that's what some people say. But there's a huge market for paid sex. Learn more about what paid sex is about in this week's top five facts.

Sexual performance enhancers: top five facts

Worried about your performance in bed? Before you spend money on pills or rhino horn, it’s a good idea to consider their harmful effects on your body, your wallet or endangered animals! Check this week’s edition of the top five facts.

Outercourse: Top Five Facts

Outercourse? It’s a word coined to contrast with intercourse. It simply means sex without penetration. Some do it as a birth control method, others find it the most comfortable way to make love. We've put together a Top Five Facts on the topic.

Rape: top five facts

Rape is the most common crime against women in India. Over the last 20 years, the number of rape cases has doubled. But the actual number could be much higher, activists believe. Read more on rape in our top five facts.

PMS: top five facts

PMS, or premenstrual syndrome: the time of the month when women get cranky for no apparent reason. Men sometimes wonder if it’s just an excuse for women to misbehave once a month. Find out all you need to know in this week’s top five facts!

Eloping: top five facts

Thousands of couples elope every year to get married. While reasons to elope might be different in different parts of the world, the numbers are growing. Find out more about eloping in our Top Five Facts.

Breasts: top five facts

Small or big, round or pear-shaped: breasts come in all shapes and sizes. They do more than just provide milk for babies. They’re a secondary sex organ and are very sensual, giving pleasure when caressed. Here are our mammary Top Five Facts.

Flirting: top five facts

Flirting comes naturally to some, but for many of us it feels strange and scary to let someone else know we're interested in them. Don't worry though – we have some tips and facts to help you have some flirting fun in our Top Five Facts number 13.

Homosexuality: top five facts

Homosexuality – it’s a big topic on our site. And for good reason: a lot of people are gay, lesbian or bisexual. Actually, even a lot of animals are, too! 
Yet it’s still a big taboo, and gay and lesbian people often face prejudice and discrimination. Time to bring together the most important facts and dispel some pesky myths in the 23rd edition of Top Five Facts.