Sexual Diversity

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I am gay and 'normal' just like you!

Sexual Diversity
‘Now when I go to the temple, I do not pray to God to make me ‘normal’, because I have come to know that I am ‘normal’ and it is thinking of the people that is wrong’, Ansh shared his story of self discovery with Gaylaxy website.

Crossdressing: Top facts

Sexual Diversity
‘She is a tomboy. Always dresses up like a man'. ‘Long hair, nail paints and a nose ring on a man?’ Why do people of one gender like to dress up in clothes that are socially not deemed fit for their gender. This is called crossdressing. Let’s find out more about it!

I was in Vikram's arms, but thinking of Priya!

Sexual Diversity
Nisha lay awake in Vikram’s arms, thinking of Priya. She kissed a girl and loved it. Should she tell her husband about it?

My friend loved her, but I loved him

Sexual Diversity
Karan loved his friend since his childhood days, so much so that he never realised when his friendship blossomed into love for him. But his friend fell in love with a girl. What did he do then? Read the story to find out.

'Roommates are like couples'

Sexual Diversity
When Parth left his home to study engineering, he was apprehensive about who his roommate would be in the hostel. His father convinced him that roommates are like couples. What happens when he gets stuck in that situation literally?

Sara tells us how it's done!

Sexual Diversity
Finding a partner and falling in love is a wonderful experience. But was it hard for Sara to find a partner because of her disability? She spoke to Love Matters about her relationship with Mayank and shared the amazing tips that you must read.

'Don't go to the women's toilet'

Sexual Diversity
What's it like to be on the receiving end of all the hatred when you embrace your sexuality? Love Matters asked five young LGTB people. They told us stories of jibes, violence, rejection – even attempted murder.

Life still very hard for LGBTQIA+ community

Sexual Diversity
It has been close to two years since homosexuality was declared legal in India. Life is still hard for couples from the LGBTQIA+ community, as they do not enjoy the same rights and freedoms as their heterosexual counterparts. Let’s see what these challenges are: