Love Matters

I am not interested in having sex!

Submitted by Auntyji on Tue, 03/22/2016 - 15:43
Auntyji, everyone around me keeps talking about sex but I am hardly interested in it. Is something wrong with me? Mangal (23), Indore.

Auntyji says…Okay... I see...umm hmm... well... let’s check you out!

New news

So beta Mangal, can you hear my feet dragging? Or sense my dithering? Can you also hear the ‘don’t really know what to say’ in my introductory lines? Not quite your bubbly Aunty, right?  You could say that! And that exactly is how you will hear people react or respond when you share your feelings with them.

Have you experienced this already? That puttar is the problem with asexuality. We just don’t know what to say. After all, according to the rest of the world, everyone wants to have sex and must want to have sex, right? Sex fixes everything, yes? Actually no!

Ace the feeling!

There are many, read again many, very sane, sensible and successful people in the world who are what we call aces or asexual people. Ace puttar, Ikka! Samjhe? So first, stop feeling bad about yourself.

Betaji, its just like identifying yourself with a different sexual identity. Yahi baat we have been saying to people of diverse sexual and gender identities. Now we are saying it to the aces. Just because it’s not commonly discussed, doesn’t mean it’s not real.

Better than everyone?

Just like the uncleji next door who has enough sexual desire for the mohalla to handle. Unse to koi nahin kuch keh raha, “Uncleji, you have too much interest in sex. Are you straight?” If at all, he ought to be coming with a warning sign, ‘Sex Daddy Idhaar’.


People who are asexual can be very loving, caring, sensitive, supportive and even intimate just not sexual.

In the end, it is about how you feel. You may feel that you are not attracted to anyone. You may also feel that you have a continued lack of sexual attraction to any gender. You may be asexual and that could be just it. Get that straight... hahahaha not that straight!


Don’t point out that finger

So beta there is a big confusion about aces. They are more often than not just simply misunderstood. Like a lot of queer people, homosexual people or hijras. The list can go on. The issue is a bit of can be and cannot be. Aces may want to be in love, may not want to be; may want to have sex for specific reasons (kids of their own, partnership), may be in a long term relationship or may never get into one. The list is again endless.


They are not celibate by choice, anti love, anti sex or against people who have sex. People who are asexual can be very loving, caring, sensitive, supportive and even intimate just not sexual. Sounds like a lot of people and relationships we know about, right?

Keep calm and ace on

Abhi tak homosexuals are not accepted entirely in our country. Similarly, aces have a long haul ahead. Afsoss! I would say, puttar there is a lot out there on the net, ab Auntyji kitna batayegee?

Find some reliable sites and even personal stories. Go ahead, read up, soak up and relax. Bas from Auntyji itna is for sure that if you feel comfortable this way, nothing else should bother you. Just don’t let anyone talk about your personal life or make you feel any other way, okay?

To protect the privacy of the author, the person in the picture is a model.

Do you also think that you might be uninterested in sex? Write your queries on our discussion board or share a comment on Facebook.