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Vaginal itching: Causes, symptoms and remedies

Got the sudden and dire need to itch down there? It’s bothering you so much that you can’t focus on anything. Let’s find out what could be the reason and what can help.

Vaginal itching is an irritable sensation that makes you want to scratch your skin around the vagina. It sometimes causes uncomfortable feeling and can be painful. 

Symptoms of a vaginal itch

  • Itching, irritation, burning and discomfort in the genital area
  • Sometimes with white, grey or foamy discharge
  • In rare cases it can be painful
  • Scratching the irritated area can result in pain and occasional bleeding from the skin

What are the causes of the vaginal itch? 

Vagina is a self cleaning organ. It has an ability to clean itself by natural secretions or discharge. The normal environment of a vagina can be disrupted due to the following reasons:

  1. Irritants - creams, douches, condoms, contraceptive foams used in bubble baths, laundry detergents, soaps, scented toilet paper, and fabric softeners can cause irritation in the vagina.
  2. Bacterial Vaginosis - In a woman’s reproductive years, the bacterias in vagina can overgrow and create natural imbalance. This results in inflammation and irritation in the vagina and an abnormal smelling discharge which is generally dull grey or white in colour. It can be foamy in texture in many cases.
  3. Yeast infection - Every woman has some amount of fungus in their vagina. Every 3 out of 4 women develop a yeast infection in a lifetime. When the yeast candida grow unchecked and excessively in the vagina and vulva, irritation with white discharge occurs. Pregnancy, intercourse, intake of antibiotics which kills the good bacteria along with bad bacteria are few causes to develop yeast infection in the vaginal area. Women with weak immune systems are more susceptible to this infection.
  4. STD - One of the symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases like Chlamydia, genital warts, Gonorrhea, genital herpes, trichomoniasis is vaginal itching. Read more about them here
  5. Menopause - Menopause causes a drop in estrogen production in a woman's body which causes dryness in vagina. Vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause which makes the vagina itchy and irritable. 
  6. Stress - Stress is responsible for deteriorating our immune system which results in low fighting strength against fungus, bacterias etc which can cause vaginal itching. Though stress is not the direct contributor to vaginal itching.
  7. Skin diseases - Skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis, causes redness and itching in the genital region.
  8. Vulvar cancer - Vulva is the external part of the vagina which includes inner and outer lips of vagina, the clitoris and opening of vagina. The cancer can grow in the vulva. One of the symptoms of vulvar cancer is vaginal itching. Pain in vulva or abnormal bleeding are other symptoms of vulvar cancer. This can be treated successfully if it has been diagnosed by the Doctor in early stages.

Precautions to avoid vaginal itching 

  1. Maintain good hygiene - washing the vaginal area with plain water after every use of loo and dabbing it dry.
  2. Avoid scented products like pads, creams, sprays, douches, toilet paper etc.
  3. Always wash from front to back after every bowel movement. 
  4. Avoid nylon panties and always wear cotton panties.
  5. Use lubricant while having sex as dryness can cause irritability.
  6. Always change damp clothes to avoid panty becoming the breeding ground for microorganisms.
  7. Change the sweaty clothes after work out. 
  8. Use condoms while having sexual intercourse.
  9. Eat healthy to improve your immunity.

Treatment of vaginal itching 

  1. Generally the vagina treats itself, if it doesn’t, it can be treated easily with a doctor’s help.
  2. Avoid scratching the vaginal area.
  3. Vaginosis can be treated with antibacterials
  4. STD’s can be treated with anti-parasitics/ antibacterials after getting diagnosed with the disease.
  5. Yeast infections can be treated with anti-fungal medicines as prescribed by the doctor.
  6. There are steroidal lotions and creams which can reduce inflammation.
  7. It is highly recommended to visit a doctor if the symptoms reoccur.

The person in the picture is a model. Below see our video on vagina and other female organs. 

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