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Top 7 myths about body weight

Many of us struggle with feeling good about our weight. There’s nothing wrong with what we are blessed with. Love Matters debunks some most common myths around body weight…
  1. Beauty depends on your weight
    Of course not! Your beauty does not depend on the figure on the weighing scale. Beauty is so much more than that. It depends on how much you love yourself. So please don't just focus on your size. Being a beautiful person starts on the inside, with your actions and passions, and not on the outside. 
  2. You can't be overweight and healthy
    Big myth! Many people believe that you can't carry some extra weight and be healthy. But that's absolutely not true. Studies prove that people who are slightly overweight actually have a higher life expectancy than slim people. In general, people who are bigger can be fitter and healthier than their smaller peers. So don't judge health by someone's weight. Of course there are exceptions, and people who are morbidly obese or dangerously skinny are likely to be unhealthy. 
  3. Only fat people get shamed
    Fat shaming is bad. But what is often forgotten is that there is 'skinny shaming' too. Shaming anyone, small or big, isn't good habit, so please don't do it at all. It can seriously affect someone’s self-esteem and even mental health. If you are concerned about someone and their health, have a friendly chat with them. But avoid comments that are hurtful or reducing someone to their weight. 
  4. Only women obsess about their weight
    No! All people regardless of gender can struggle with their weight, or what they think they should weigh. In fact, over the past decade, more and more men have started suffering from eating disorders, conditions previously thought to be affecting women almost exclusively. 

    To know more about what young Indians think of body image, watch our video now!
  • People with normal weight don’t face health issues
    Everyone, regardless of their weight, should try to live a healthy life. That includes a healthy diet that avoids processed foods as much as possible, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, limiting your alcohol intake and so on.
  • You have to go to extremes if you want to lose/gain weight 
    Treating your body to extreme conditions can never work. If you want to change your body in any way, you need to set realistic goals. Nothing is more frustrating than failure, but with small, achievable goals, you have a much better chance of succeeding. It will also keep you motivated. Before you make any changes to your lifestyle, get some advice from your doctor.
  • Losing/gaining weight should impress everyone
    If you want to change they way you are, the only person you should be doing it for is yourself. You are being too harsh on yourself if you do it for anyone else. If your partner has been mean about your weight, you might need to have a closer look at your relationship. Your partner should love you just the way you are.





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