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Sexting and video call sex: Is it as good as the real thing

Submitted by Kate R on Thu, 09/21/2017 - 10:56
Whether it’s just sexting or pleasuring oneself for your partner on a Skype video, technology plays a great role in bringing two hearts closer. However, is it as good as the real thing? We asked five adults to find out their views.

Bad internet is a turn-off

I feel sending sexts brings two people closer. I have frequently had long, hot conversations with a partner over texts, but I would never do video calls. My problem with video calls is that the connection is often — if not always — poor at best. And I have been in a situation once, in which I was having a steamy video chat with my partner and was all excited when the connection dropped and the call disconnected. That was quite a downer.

Shashank, entrepreneur, 30

Prefer face to face

I would never send sexts, nor would I know what to do if I receive them. And I have never had a steamy video call because I am not comfortable with the idea. I'm more of a hands-on sort of person. I'd rather do anything I want to do with my partner face to face.

Megha, public relations, 33

Perfect for intimacy

I was never much for sending sexts, but I love sending him little artful photos of me or having an especially intense sexual video call. Doing this for him gives us a sense of intimacy with each other and also a sense of comfort. I feel like he knows me or I know him like no one else does.

Anusha, teacher, 28

Not a routine

I have exchanged sexts, and have had a couple of steamy video chats. But that is all in the past. I don't anymore. My partner and I both don't feel very comfortable with it. But I wouldn't mind sexting once in awhile if we haven't met for very long, as is the case frequently with us.

Ekta, marketing, 37

Video calls bring us closer

For me, personal contact is very important. I’m not someone who sends texts to my girlfriend, nor do I like talking to her for hours on the phone — unless it’s an emergency. Ten minutes is just about what I can take. I’d much rather spend time with her in person, face to face. However, there have been a couple of occasions when I have had to take a trip out of town and consequently haven’t been able to see her for a few weeks. We had a few sexual video calls during those trips and though I would never admit it to her, I quite enjoyed them. In a way, I felt they brought us closer.

Ali, researcher, 30

*Names changed

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