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Wearing red: dressed for sex

Meeting someone
Women wearing red clothes are more interested in having casual sex and are seen as more attractive by men, scientists say. Red roses, red hearts and red saris all make you think about love and romance. Men are even willing to spend more money on a lady in red.

“Hi, want sex?” - it only works for gorgeous guys

Meeting someone
“Hi there! Would you go to bed with me tonight?” A guy who tries this chat-up line on a girl is heading for a brush-off. Yet reverse the roles, and the guy might seize the opportunity. Danish researchers set up an experiment to test the theory.

She’s avoiding me – now what?

Meeting someone
Q: I am interested in a girl and proposed to her last month. But since then, she’s been avoiding me. We have been really close friends. I really like her and want to have a relationship with her. What should I do? Karthik, Lucknow

Should I kiss him?

Meeting someone
Q: I’m interested in a boy. We’ve been on a few dates together. I think he’s keen too. I want to move our relationship to the next level by kissing him. I’m worried he might think I’m too bold. Will it be okay to make the first move? Bandana, Kolkata

Flirting for sex will get you nowhere

Meeting someone
Coming on strong might not be the best approach to flirting. Girls find dominant guys less attractive, a British study found. Leaving a good impression on the person you’re flirting with has more to do with your motives for flirting, researchers say.

Would you have sex on the first date?

Meeting someone
When the Times of India asked, "Is sex on the first date acceptable?" 52% of respondents said yes. But many people pointed out that their response is less about sex and more about the freedom to choose how you want to spend time with your date.