Domestic violence and abuse

Domestic violence - Personal accounts from readers and advice from Love Matters.

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She would slap and abuse me in public

Rakesh fell in love with a girl who turned out to be possessive and controlling. Find out how he broke up with his emotionally, verbally and physically abusive girlfriend.

'It’s just a slap, get over it'

“I was in a four-year-long relationship but it was after it ended that I learnt I was in an abusive relationship since the first day,” says Reena. Read on to know more about her shocking story.

I won’t shed another tear for him

I never knew I was in an abusive relationship until two days ago, when I read an article on your website titled, “Dealing with an abusive partner.”

'I did not know I was in an abusive relationship until..'

“Anything I did without his approval was wrong,” says Reshma about her abusive and violent ex. Why did she give him so many last chances?

Why did she stop smiling?

Does only physical violence count as abuse? What about verbal abuse? What is domestic violence? Watch this one-minute video to find out how words can hurt…

Five things we see in films but are not true!

Does popular culture make you believe that violence and abuse is normal in a relationship? Well, it shouldn’t have to be. Here are seven agreed realities about violence in a relationship or domestic violence.

8 signs you’re in an abusive relationship

Violence isn’t just physical. Sometimes relationships can be abusive even when they aren’t physically violent. Control, jealousy, coercion and isolation are all signs of abuse. Love Matters helps you identify intimate partner violence or domestic violence…

How to deal with abusive partners

If you’re in an abusive relationship, you need to act. Sometimes it might work out to be positive, but more often the only option is to end the relationship. Don’t try to do it alone or without a plan and help from others. Here are some tips.

Abusive text messages could affect your health

Dating violence doesn’t have to be physical or sexual for it to have serious consequences on your health, new research shows. Whether it’s abusive text messages, insulting comments, or a partner who harasses you, non-physical dating violence is no joke. It also is a form of domestic violence.

Fighting: do's and dont's

How many couples have you met that have never argued? Chances are – none! Rows are unavoidable in intimate relationships. So if a fight is on the cards, it had better be fair. Check out our fighting dos and don'ts.

Will my boyfriend turn violent?

Q: Will my boyfriend turn violent like his father was? He tells me he saw his father beating his mother throughout his childhood. I’m scared that someday he might turn into the kind of abusive person his father was. Help me Auntyji. Radha, Pune

'He sat me down on his lap'

"He sat me down on his lap. My mind went blank. Even at age eight with no experience of anything sexual I knew I had to get away and fast.” Pranaadhika Sinha Devburman says life was cruising along until she was sexually abused by her caretaker.