Breasts are mainly made up of the glands that produce milk, which are joined to the nipple by tubes. The glands are surrounded by fatty tissue.
Each month, hormones get your breasts ready for pregnancy. They get a bit larger and more sensitive. After your period they go back to their usual size and shape.
Every woman’s breasts are a bit different.

Breast sizes
Some girls feel unhappy about their breasts' size. They wish they were bigger or smaller or firmer. The size or shape of your breasts has nothing to do with their sensitivity: small breasts are just as sensitive as big ones. Your breasts – their shape and size – are determined by your genes. The shape is also influenced by the surrounding muscles. According to the World Population Review, the average cup size for India is A.
You may notice your breasts get bigger or smaller if you put on or lose weight. The size of your breasts can depend on the time of the month, and may also be affected by hormonal contraceptives.
FAQs about breasts
Can I make my breasts grow bigger?
There is no proof that any exercises can make your breasts grow bigger, and certainly no proof that creams or sprays can do it. The only possibility is plastic surgery – you can have your breasts enlarged artificially.
Is it normal to have hair growing on my breasts?
Yes. Almost all girls have some hair on their breasts from very light, fine fuzz to stray hairs near their nipple region or in-between the breasts.
If you want to get rid of the hair, plucking is the best option for a few stray hairs. Dip your tweezers in some rubbing alcohol to disinfect them and pluck each hair. You can wipe your skin with rubbing alcohol to prevent infection, and smooth on some moisturising lotion. Shaving can cause ingrown hairs.
If you have lots of hair, you can try to wax the area, but it is better to use depilatory cream. Waxing may burn your skin, and unless you exfoliate, you can also get ingrown hairs.
To know more about different kinds of breasts, watch our video here!
My breasts are sore - why?
When breasts begin to develop during puberty, sometimes they feel a bit sore. They can also feel sore and swollen just before your period.
Is it normal to have nipple discharge?
Yes. Breasts can produce fluid in different amounts throughout a young girl’s and woman’s life.
You should be concerned if the fluid:
- Is red, pink, or brown in colour
- Comes out all the time (unless you’re pregnant)
- Appears only in one breast
If this is the case, contact your health care professional for more information.