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What we find hot in a date…

How do you judge your date? By their looks, charm or just plain ol’ conversation? We asked a few young Indians this question. Here’s what they had to say…

They say the first impression is the last impression. The phrase may not be wholly true, but the first impressions do go a long way in forming an opinion about someone. And when it is someone you plan on dating or being in a relationship with, it matters even more.

We got a few youngsters to talk about what makes people attractive the first time they meet them.

‘Intelligence is my Kryptonite’

Roshan Naik* (31), HR professional, Mumbai.

My Kryptonite is glasses. I know it is stereotypical but for me it is a sign of an intelligent or a well-read woman. My last two girlfriends were intelligent and they loved books so we would go on dates to libraries or sit in coffee shops just reading! Besides, it is always good to be able to have a conversation with someone, no matter how drunk we both are.

‘It’s the way she makes me feel’

Kunal N* (29), jewellery designer, Mumbai.

The way she talks to me is important. She doesn’t have to be intelligent or good looking but what sets a woman apart from the rest is how she makes you feel. If she is talking to you just for the sake of it – her attention is wandering elsewhere or she is on her phone – then you know it is a lost cause. But if she is looking at you with complete concentration, like you are the only person there, that’s a special feeling. I do believe women are smarter than men and if they choose to talk to you out of a bunch of others, you must consider yourself lucky. I do.


‘Eyes, that aren’t staring at my boobs’

Caroline Roy* (25), banker, Pune.

Depending on the distance I am at, I look for the guy’s built, eyes and then smile. It is all superficial, I know but I have a weakness for taller men, they need to tower above me (in heels)! Eyes are important because if a person cannot meet your eyes or look into them when talking, something is off. Also it helps if their eyes aren’t constantly at my boobs. I’m flattered with the attention but having someone stare at them creeps me out. So yes, eyes when it comes to men. You can’t go wrong.


Check out our do's and don'ts on online dating here.

‘He must know the moves!’

Belinda Fernandes* (32), professional choreographer, Goa.

I’ve always had this dream of being with a guy who can dance. Being Catholic, I’ve grown up dancing at every possible function. If I’m out, I watch out for a guy who can move well. So at a pub or club, I will look out for the guy who is actually dancing and not just grinding, which is sadly what most youngsters consider dance! And if I’m not at a place where I can watch them dance, I have to keep looking at people’s feet. The dancers are the ones who are light on their feet and don’t go plodding about. The thing about dancers is they tend to be free spirited and open to trying out new experiences, and very flexible.

‘She should love pets’

Akshay Kamat* (22), student, Mumbai.

I’m a dog-person, so I obviously like to know within seconds into a conversation whether the person loves animals. They don’t need to be vegetarian or anything, although it is a bonus. I have two dogs so it is pointless if I take someone home who cannot stand them or is allergic or ‘doesn’t mind’ dogs. She must love animals. My pets are a big part of my life, so I need to be with someone who understands that.

*Names changed to protect identity.

…And what about you? What do you look for in a date? Share your opinions below or via Facebook.