Top Facts

Millions of facts about sex and love exist out there. So what are the most important? We break down love, sex and relationships into easy bits of important information.

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Dental dams - your partner in oral sex

Want to try oral sex on your partner but worried about hygiene or the funny tastes down there? Worry not, dental dams are here to help.

Sexually transmitted diseases: top five facts

STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases, can be a nasty side-effect of sex. It's easy to protect yourself from them though. And you should, because some are incurable or even fatal. Read all about STDs in this week's top five facts. 

Using contraceptives - common side effects

Birth control methods help to avoid unwanted pregnancies. But they can mess with your body too. Before you choose a new method, consider these side effects wisely.

What is Ipill or morning after pill?

Emergency contraception? A night of passion, a slipped condom, and a rush to the pharmacy or clinic in search of a ‘morning-after pill’. There are many options you have, so don't panic – find out more in this article.

Low budget? Here’s how to keep your partner happy

Falling in love is romantic and guess what – often expensive too. However, if you are a smart Love Matters reader, we have some really good tips to keep your partner happy even with a tight purse!

Irregular periods: could it be PCOD?

Irregular periods, acne, weight gain, fertility problems – if all this is bothering you, ask your doctor if it is polycystic ovary disease/syndrome (PCOD/S). PCOD occurs when a woman’s hormones are out of balance.

Love tips for singles this Valentine’s Day

Red roses, heart-shaped balloons, romantic songs – getting to your nerve? Well, you are not alone. Love Matters India spoke to five singles for tips on how to rock Valentine’s Day without a partner.

Top tips for a happy period!

We often think of the female period cycle as those 3 or 4 days in a month when a climax scene from a horror movie drops into our panties. But in reality, a woman’s body cycle is roughly 28 days long. Here’s how to manage your full cycle in a happy and healthy way.

How to make up after a fight

If there’s something inevitable with couples, it’s the arguments and fights. But they don’t have to pile on and become deadweight for your relationship. Here are a few tips on how to ‘kiss (or not) and make-up’.

What is Virginity: Top Facts

In most cultures, including ours, first-time sex comes with a significant amount of taboo, mostly focused on the notion of virginity. It is a concept full of myths and is wrongly considered to be a women-only problem. Read our top facts to clear the misconceptions and learn all you need to know about virginity.

You want to have sex, but are you really ready?

Sex and sexual expression is a beautiful but a deeply personal gift. In all the excitement surrounding sex, it is important to remember that you, and only you, can determine when you’re ready to have sex. In case you need some help, here are some things to keep in mind.

Feeling sad after good sex? You are not alone!

So you just had fantastic and very satisfying sex with your partner moments ago and now you are feeling sad, low and depressed. This could be post-coital dysphoria (PCD), commonly known as post-sex blues. Love Matters brings you some facts on this rather common condition.