Top Facts

Millions of facts about sex and love exist out there. So what are the most important? We break down love, sex and relationships into easy bits of important information.

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Clitoris: All the facts on the ‘love button’

Love Matters gets you all the gyaan on the female organ, whose job is to sit back, relax and generate orgasms. Now, is that good life or what!

Yes, we all feed violence against women: Here’s how to stop it now

One in three women have experienced violence in their lifetime. Most often when we think of violence against women, we think of women being raped by strangers or burnt by their in-laws. While this is true, violence can also occur in so called ‘normal’ everyday situations that we often ignore because they seem inconsequential. But they are not. We all play a role in creating a culture in which violence against women grows and therefore we all have the responsibility to change it. Here’s what we can do to end the culture of violence around us.

Who are the hijras?

The word ‘hijra’ is specific to the South Asian region. It can either refer to an individual or the community. Let’s try and understand this term better.

Trouble pulling back the foreskin, here is why?

In males, sometimes the foreskin of the penis can’t be pulled back. Relax, it is not a disease. The condition is called phimosis. Here is everything you need to know about it.

Young and female: Get your cervical shot now

Cervical cancer is the fourth leading cause of death due to cancer in women. But there is good news. It is easily prevented via a vaccination. If you are a woman under 26, get yourself vaccinated now!

What is MeToo and what can YouDo?

If you have been wondering about the avalanche of social media allegations of sexual harassment and so many women suddenly talking about this now using the #MeToo, here’s why. And how we too can make a difference.

A plea on abortion, dear doctor

Abortion is a very hard choice. Only a few things can make it bearable. One of them is my doctor's complete support. Today we bring to you some conversations which make it difficult for women to seek safe abortion and request doctors, nurses and caregivers to help us change these conversations to help women get safe and quality healthcare.

How to write (and not write) about abortion

To mark the Global Day for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion (28 September), Love Matters brings to you a handy guide to words and phrases that should be avoided when reporting about abortion, along with alternatives for these words.

Sexual hygiene and health tips for gay men

Although anyone can practice anal and/or oral sex, for a lot of gay and bisexual men, that is predominantly the style. When done right, anal sex can be extremely pleasurable but at times it can be extremely messy too. Love Matters India suggests some tips on keeping the genitals and anus clean.

Top facts on sexual health for lesbian, bisexual (and all women)

Sex and sexual acts are a messy business, and sometimes, this mess can mean trouble in terms of diseases and infections. It is so for everyone yet, we list out some things that might be relevant to lesbian, bisexual and women who have sex with women (WSW).

Why men should wear pink

Men don’t cry. Pregnancy - end of a career. Women are bad drivers! These age-old ideas – telling us what a man and woman can and cannot do – are known as gender stereotypes, and are quite rampant in our culture. We list out a few for you along with the efforts being made to challenge them.

Are we opening up to conversations on sex?

India is the land of Kamasutra and Khajuraho and yet ironically sex is a topic that would make most of us blush if discussed outside the dim lights of our bedrooms. On this Independence Day, we revisit how conversations on sex and sexuality are, quietly and gradually, beginning to appear on India's chaitime charchas.