Top Facts

Millions of facts about sex and love exist out there. So what are the most important? We break down love, sex and relationships into easy bits of important information.

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‘Doctors don’t handle unmarried women well’

If you had to go for an abortion tomorrow, what would be the few things that would come to your mind? Love Matters India asked this question to young people from across India. Here's what they said...

Abortion: top five facts

Abortion - much has been said about whether or not women should have the right to decide to abort a foetus. A lot will depend on your religious or personal beliefs and its legality in your country. Read more on abortions in our top five facts.

Does Indian law allow abortion?

Yes, abortion is absolutely legal in India (under certain conditions) and did you know that women don’t need their husband/parent’s permission to have one? To mark the Global Day of Action for Safe and Legal Abortion, we bust five prevalent myths about abortion in India.

Abortion is not a substitute for contraception

Love Matters India brings the best advice from gynaecologists for women seeking an abortion.

Why women choose abortion: 10 common reasons

Abortions are most often a result of unwanted pregnancies. Love Matters brings you 10 common reasons why women or couples seek abortions.

Pills/herbs for better sex?

We bet you all have heard of pills like Viagra that promise to keep you going on and on or our desi jadi booti Shilajit that increases the ‘mardana taqat’. But ever wondered how safe these sexual performance enhancers are? Should you take them or not? Love Matters is here to answer all your queries.

For longer orgasms: Have you tried these toys?

Whether you like to go solo or enjoy sex with your partner, sex toys can add an extra layer of fun! To help you get started we bring you a rundown on the popular sex toys in the market.

Breastfeeding – top facts

Why is breastfeeding so important? What can I do to increase my breast milk supply? My baby can’t latch! Have more such questions? Read this article.

Vaginal itching: Causes, symptoms and remedies

Got the sudden and dire need to itch down there? It’s bothering you so much that you can’t focus on anything. Let’s find out what could be the reason and what can help.

How to increase sex time

Khushi and Aman are getting hot and sexy in bed, things are beginning to get steamier; Khushi feels the rush in her body and is looking forward to a good session. Soon Aman enters her and he climaxes! Looks like a scene from your bedroom? Read on.

Missed periods: Here are the top causes

Missed your period this month? Worried what could be the cause? Relax! There could be many reasons other than pregnancy. Let’s find out.

Vaginal Dryness: Top causes

If you are a woman, we bet you have experienced this at least once in your life – your vagina is usually full of sunshine and sparkles but one day you wake up feeling like a desert without an oasis! Here are a few reasons why you may be feeling dry down under.