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‘We have no option but to run’

Sexual Diversity
Rohit and Ankur love each other. But unlike other couples, instead of building their life together, they are hiding and planning an escape. Rohit shares the reality of living as a gay couple in India with Love Matters India.

‘I am not living, just existing’

Sexual Diversity
‘Those who call themselves ‘normal’ have a wife or husband, as well as children. But where do we go? We only had a few friends, and they left as well’, Imran tells Love Matters how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected him and the people from the LGBT community.

Spotting – What causes bleeding between periods?

Our Bodies
Have you ever experienced a fleeting spell of bleeding between two menstrual cycles? As unnerving as it may seem, this phenomenon known as spotting is not unusual. A majority of women experience it at least once in their lifetime. And for some, it is a frequent occurrence. Let’s learn more.

Don’t feel like having sex? Here’s why!

Making Love
Don’t feel like having sex and don’t understand why it’s happening? Well, you are not alone. Many men and women lack sexual desire because of various reasons. Let’s find out why it happens and how you can overcome it.

Covid-19 vaccination: FAQs

Love and relationships
Have doubts on the Covid-19 vaccination? Well, we are here to clear them all. A list of frequently asked questions on Covid-19 vaccination is here for you to read!

Covid-19 vaccination: FAQs (for people with specific conditions)

Love and relationships
Are you undergoing some medical issues or have some specific body requirements ( eg:pregnancy, lactation) and wondering if Covid-19 vaccination is safe for you? We have got all your queries answered here:

COVID19 vaccination in India -The process

Love and relationships
You want to get the COVID-19 vaccination shot. But do you know how to get it, where to get it, how to register for it, what documents you need and what are the prerequisites? Not to worry, we provide you all the details here in this article.

Fighting COVID19 - Daily hygiene tips

Love and relationships
A lot of hygiene practices that we're following religiously today - repeated, rigorous hand-washing, for instance - are timeless defences against infections that medical practitioners have advocated for years.