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Corona in your vicinity: Important tips

Love and relationships
Corona is now spreading widely in our neighbourhoods. In such a situation, what are the steps you must take to prevent yourself and your loved ones. We bring you important information.

The importance of social distancing

Love and relationships
Let's begin by understanding how social distancing helps in containing the spread of novel Coronavirus and other contagious infections. The goal of this practice is to reduce the human-to-human spread of infections.

Covid-19 vaccination - Tips for a smoother process

Love and relationships
As the Covid-19 pandemic surges in India, getting vaccinated is the top priority for everyone. However, there has been a lot of confusion and myths regarding the vaccine and it’s process. Below are some helpful tips to guide you for the smooth vaccination process.

How to manage relationships during stressful times

Love and relationships
Almost every couple faces stressful times. Some survive that by remaining quiet or withdrawing while others vent out at each other and there may be a few relationships that even developed a special bonding during those stressful times. What’s the best way to tackle stress in any relationship? Let’s delve deeper into it.

Can I drink my partner’s semen/breast milk/urine?

Making Love
We get a lot of questions from our readers who want to know if it is safe for them to drink semen of their partner or other body fluids such as urine or even breast milk. Let’s find out answers to all these questions in this article.

The COVID-19 vaccines in India - Top facts

Love and relationships
How does the vaccination against coronavirus work and what are your alternatives? Is it effective and for how long? If you have these questions in mind, then this article is for you. We address the major queries regarding the COVID-19 vaccination.

We tell you everything you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination in India to help you gain clarity.

He sent good morning messages and shayari!

Love and relationships
Sunaina had a huge crush on Sanjay. She kept messaging him even after he told her he was not interested. But then something happened that gave her a taste of her own medicine, she understood her mistake. What was it? She shared her story with Love Matters India.

What to expect after taking I-Pill or Unwanted 72?

Types of Birth Control
It was Sara and Jay’s first sexual encounter. Unfortunately, the condom snapped and they found out about it only after the act was done.