Sex Myth Busters

Sex myths are the biggest menace ever. A contagious infection spreading from one ignorant person to another. It’s essential to find a cure before it turns into an epidemic. So here’s another Sex Myth Buster!

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Sex after baby: Addressing common myths

Sex doesn't change after conceiving! You don't have to wait before having intercourse again! Bust these common myths and some more about sex after pregnancy…

Sexless relationships: Myth buster

If you haven’t had sex with your partner in months or even years, you may be in a sexless relationship. Read up on all the myths here!

Top 10 myths and facts about sex toys

Fifty five percent of Indian women are eager to try sex toys, according to a study by Durex. It’s time to throw the myths out of your bedroom and bring the toys in…

Virginity: Myths Busted

Can you tell if a girl is a virgin? Does first time sex hurt? Find these answers and more in this edition of Myth Buster.

Six myths on how to increase penis size

You've probably seen ads on how to increase penis size in the newspapers, on the internet and even in the trains! But do they really work? Love Matters has the scoop…

Five things we see in films but are not true!

Does popular culture make you believe that violence and abuse is normal in a relationship? Well, it shouldn’t have to be. Here are seven agreed realities about violence in a relationship or domestic violence.

Anal sex: myths busted

In this week's edition of Sex Myth Buster, let’s bust some myths about anal sex. Do only gay men do it? Does it guarantee AIDS? Is it always painful? Is it dirty? And do women hate it?This and much more...

10 most common contraception myths

Contraception myths are some of the most annoying myths. If you believe in the wrong ones, you might end up pregnant (or with a pregnant partner) even though you thought you did everything right. Let's bust contraception myths, not condoms!

Female fertility: top five myths busted

Women have been giving birth for millions of years, yet myths about their fertility still abound. Some of it’s legend, some distorted science, and some plain nonsense. Let Love Matters help you!

Side effects of Unwanted 72 or Emergency contraception

There are a lot of rumours and misunderstandings about emergency contraception pills out there. But when it comes to preventing pregnancy after sex, don't believe the myths – get the facts.

HIV/AIDS: Myths busted part 2

We started tackling common HIV myths a couple of weeks ago. But there are so many more myths and misconceptions. This week we will look at a few more and bust them. We want you to have all the power when it comes to protecting you from the virus!

Bisexuality: Myths Busted

'Somebody who loves despite their sex' is one of the nicer descriptions for bisexuals. There are lots of misunderstandings though: can't they decide? Are they closet gays? We'll uncover the myths in this week's sex myth buster on bisexuality!