Male body

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Man boobs – What causes them and how to get rid?

Our Bodies
For men, developing man boobs, or moobs as they’re popularly called, can open the floodgates for stigma and judgment, leading to body image and self-esteem issues. Let's focus on helping you understand what causes some men to develop breasts and how it can be prevented.

Pain during erection: Check for Frenulum Breve

Our Bodies
Frenulum Breve, also known as short frenulum is a condition in which the frenulum - the elastic fold of skin around the penis is really short and causes pain during sex and masturbation. But there is a cure. Let’s get you more details.

What is a Micropenis?

Our Bodies
Do you worry you have a small penis? But then what really is a small penis? You would be surprised to know that a small penis or a micropenis is an extremely rare condition that affects a minority of men around the world. Curious to know if you are among them? Read on…

I have erection problems – what are your tips Auntyji?

Sex Problems: how to overcome them
It’s embarrassing but I am having serious problems with getting erections. Not always but sometimes. This wasn’t the case earlier though. Am I getting some condition? What can I do? It’s really embarrassing! Help! – Sushil (28), Mumbai.

Phimosis - All I needed was a quick surgery!

Our Bodies
Arpan, 21, was very happy when he got selected for his dream government job but when he went for the medical examination, he was told to have a small penis surgery to get his Phimosis corrected. What is Phimosis? Let’s hear Arpan’s experience.

How to increase your sperm count

Our Bodies
Is there any way to increase your sperm count? Love Matters brings you some simple yet effective remedies you can try to improve your sperm count without medical intervention!

‘When I was caught masturbating’

Our Bodies
Just as Chirag was about to ejaculate, his father knocked on the bathroom door. What happened next? Chirag shares his lockdown story with Love Matters India.

Swollen testicles: Get tested for varicocele

Our Bodies
If you are experiencing pain in your testicle(s) or they appear swollen, get yourself tested for varicocele. A persisting varicocele can cause infertility. It can be treated surgically.