Shutterstock/Deborah Kolb

Arranged marriage, love marriage: what’s best?

Arranged marriage – outdated? Love marriage – a risky business? What do young Indian people today think? We hit the streets of Mumbai with a camera to ask them.

“I think arranged marriages are pretty cool Love marriage may not work for me!” says Anushree, a young, hip, single Mumbaikar. Her take on choosing a spouse: “My mom knows what’s best for me.’

But Arpan thinks arranged marriage is actually a big gamble because the couple just don’t know each other. He is all for love marriage. “The girl and boy know better,” says Rishit. “They know the priorities, likes and dislikes.”

But there are other ways of looking at it too. What if you don’t even believe in marriage? Neither love marriage nor arrange What if you’re gay?

Check out the video and see if you agree with our vox pop panel.

Love marriage?

You can look at it like this…

You bump into some random person, get a crush on them, you hold hands, kiss. Maybe have sex. At this lovey-dovey stage, everything about them just seems perfect. So... you agree to spend the rest of your lives together.

Unfortunately it’s easy to fall in love, but a whole lot harder to stay with someone for 50 years and bring up a family. That takes a more solid basis than just moonlight and romance. Sadly, many love marriages end in divorce.

This is actually why many people around the world are turning to online dating or matching. Instead of leaving compatibility to chance, you check out all the person’s details in advance in love marriage. In fact you arrange your own marriage! Luckily in India we have a pretty neat system to do that already. And a loving mom and dad to help out.

Arranged marriage?

Why should you let your parents make the most important decision of your life? Choose who you have sex with? Choose your babies’ genes?

You know best who you want to be with. A lifetime of happiness is about more than just who has the right background, caste, family, job, bank balance. A marriage is about chemistry. It’s your right to choose the love of your life.

This article was first published on December 8, 2014. 

*To protect the identity, names have been changed and the person/s in the picture is/are models.

But what do you think? Would you go for a love marriage? Which point of view do you agree with most? Comment below or share with Love Matters (LM) on our Facebook page. If you have a specific question, please ask LM experts on our discussion forum.