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COVID-19 disease - Answers to your questions

Love and relationships
Love Matters India organised five youth consultations across the country on the Coronavirus Pandemic. In these consultations, concerns and challenges caused by the pandemic were discussed with college students. Lockdown, school/college closures, illness in the family, financial difficulties and vaccine hesitancy featured in the discussion. Love Matters also compiled a list of questions young people had on their minds with regard to the pandemic. On this page, we are publishing answers to the questions asked during the consultations.

Cuckolding – What is it?

Ways to Make Love
We get a lot of questions from our readers about cuckolding and how they can implement it in their sex lives. So, without any further ado, let’s dig deeper.

Urinary Tract Infections: Everything you need to know

Our Bodies
You have an urge to go to the loo more frequently. However, the sensation fills you up with dread because you know it’s going to burn. Perhaps, you’re also experiencing pain or pressure in the abdomen before or during urination. Sounds familiar? You could be dealing with a urinary tract infection (UTI).

When a dating website blocked me

Sexual Diversity
Vinayana logged on to a famous dating website but little did she know that creating an account would not be possible for her because of her disability. She was frustrated when she got blocked and vented it out on social media. What happened next? She shares her story with us.

Painful periods: Causes, treatment and when to seek medical help

Our Bodies
Are your periods really painful and make you want to stop working and just lie down for all those days? Let’s look at some of the causes of painful periods and also what you can do about them.

Pain during erection: Check for Frenulum Breve

Our Bodies
Frenulum Breve, also known as short frenulum is a condition in which the frenulum - the elastic fold of skin around the penis is really short and causes pain during sex and masturbation. But there is a cure. Let’s get you more details.

Does regular sex makes vagina loose?

Our Bodies
Apprehensions about loosening of the vagina and ways to tighten it are among the most common queries we receive from our readers. Can regular sex impact the shape of the vagina? Does an altered shape or reduced elasticity impact sexual pleasure? If so, how? Let’s separate the myths from facts.

Premature Ejaculation – Types, causes and cures

Making Love
‘I ejaculate too soon’ is a common query among men on the Love Matters Discussion Board, where we answer questions from our readers. Some complain of ejaculating too soon while masturbating while others during sex. Why does it happen and what is the cure? This article has all the answers!