In the name of progress, researchers are forever discovering the reasons behind why we do the strange things we do. Here and updates and explanations of the newest science around sex.
More sex makes us happier, but only if we think we’re getting it more often than our friends, a US study says. Humans are social creatures and when it comes to many things, including our sex lives, we can’t help comparing ourselves to others.
The hormone oxytocin could cause guys in a steady relationship to keep their distance from attractive women. Oxytocin has a got a reputation for being a ‘love potion’. But that doesn’t means it turns guys into a Casanova.
How would you describe losing your virginity? Whether it was positive, or less so, your first-time sex experience can say a lot about what your sex life will be like down the road, according to a recent US study.
Do thoughts of flabby abs or the size of your penis creep into your mind while you should be enjoying sex? Both men and women worry about their body in bed, like normal penis size a recent Portuguese study found, and this can seriously get in the way of good sex.
PMS as we know it might be a myth, new research shows. Yes, many women find their mood changes over their monthly cycle. But in reality there’s a huge variety in how and when they are affected.
Can’t stop thinking about the great sex you had last night? Or maybe it’s the sex you wish you were having that’s on your mind? In either case, rest assured, thinking a lot about sex is natural! But for some people it can be addictive.
Good news for young women – sex keeps getting better. Older women say sex gets more satisfying with age. Less sex and a lower sex drive don't matter much as other aspects like physical and emotional intimacy make the difference.
Were you older than 19 the first time you had sex? It seems that as a ‘late bloomer’ you’re more likely to be single in your late twenties, and you’ll probably have fewer different partners, according to a recent US study.
Some people can reach an orgasm just by thinking, say researchers. The brain is the biggest sex organ of them all! There are women – and some men too – who can think themselves into having a "headgasm" without any touching involved at all.
Popping the progestin-only minipill could up your risk of depression, a large Australian study found. When it comes to side effects, not all birth control methods are equal. The type you choose could have important effects on your mood.
The more decently men treat their women, the more peaceful and democratic the country is likely to be, says US author Valerie Hudson. Her new book Sex and World Peace offers food for thought about attitudes towards women.
Half of all women under 25 say they sometimes or always have pain during intercourse. Why do they put up with it? In most cases there’s no medical cause, says Dutch psychologist Ellen Laan.