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Erection and orgasm trouble go together

Two thirds of all men with erection problems say they also have trouble reaching orgasm, a new study found. We usually think only women have trouble climaxing. But US researchers say men with erection problems often find it hard to orgasm.

More than 12,000 men from around the world who have problems getting an erection took part in the study. And it turned out that the erection wasn’t their only problem. More than two thirds of them said that even if they got hard, they had trouble ejaculating.


Men who have trouble both in climaxing and maintaining an erection often think that Viagra is going to be the answer to their problems. They reckon that if they can only manage to keep an erection long enough, they’re bound to be able to come. So they only complain to the doctor about the erection problem, and don’t mention their trouble with climaxing.

But even when the men took Viagra to boost their erection, they still had problems ejaculating. What’s more, among the men who did manage to ejaculate normally, 15 percent didn’t actually feel an orgasm.


It seems that erectile dysfunction and orgasm trouble often go together, says New York researcher Darius Paruch. And the results suggest that the problem is much more common than you might think, he says.

“Our research shows that this may be as common among men as it is among women.”

Have you had trouble climaxing? Or have you ejaculated without having an orgasm? Share your story anonymously. Comment below or share with Love Matters (LM) on our Facebook page. If you have a specific question, please ask LM experts on our discussion forum.