Unsure about being pregnant?

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Can I get pregnant if I miss one birth control pill?

You need to use a back-up birth control method like a condom, otherwise you could get pregnant. 

The doctor knew we weren’t married! [VIDEO]

Suman and Abhay were in their early 20s. They couldn’t even dream of having a child at their age. But Suman missed her periods and an abortion was necessary. Scroll down to see the video where Abhay tell his story.

Pre-cum: Can it cause pregnancy?

The fluid that the penis releases before ejaculation is called pre-cum. We know the question on your mind. Can it lead to pregnancy? Read on.

‘Call after 4, my secretary is listening’

When Amanda visited a doctor for her abortion, she refused point blank. Abortion is banned in the Philippines, she told her. But as she handed over the prescription, it had a secret note for Amanda. ‘Call me after 4’, it said. Love Matters brings you a story from the Philippines where doctors are risking their lives to provide safe abortions to women.

The doctor knew we weren’t married

Suman and Abhay were in their early 20s. They couldn’t even dream of having a child at their age. But Suman missed her periods and an abortion was necessary. However, was it possible to get an abortion without being married? They weren’t sure. Suman and Abhay decided to act married at the doctor’s clinic. They shared their story with Love Matters India.

Home pregnancy test - Do's and Don'ts

If you are wondering how to check pregnancy at home, the answer is Home pregnancy tests (HPTs). They have revolutionised the way women find out whether they’re pregnant or not. Let’s run through some things to keep in mind while using HPT kits.

Five years, no kids: Was something wrong with us?

Birth Control
Three years into their marriage, Saurabh* and Shivani* were being constantly interrogated about why they weren’t having a child. Tired of it all, they decided to try for a child, but it wasn't as easy as the world had led them to believe.

Why are only women judged, when men too are responsible?

An unplanned pregnancy sent Nandini into a world full of judgment. The most difficult ones to handle were jibes that came from the doctor and nurses. But she wondered why they were directed only at her and not Sunil, who was equally responsible.