Our Bodies

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What is a Micropenis?

Our Bodies
Do you worry you have a small penis? But then what really is a small penis? You would be surprised to know that a small penis or a micropenis is an extremely rare condition that affects a minority of men around the world. Curious to know if you are among them? Read on…

Abortion is not a substitute for contraception

Our Bodies
Love Matters India brings the best advice from gynaecologists for women seeking an abortion.

Phimosis - All I needed was a quick surgery!

Our Bodies
Arpan, 21, was very happy when he got selected for his dream government job but when he went for the medical examination, he was told to have a small penis surgery to get his Phimosis corrected. What is Phimosis? Let’s hear Arpan’s experience.

Vaginal itching: Causes, symptoms and remedies

Our Bodies
Got the sudden and dire need to itch down there? It’s bothering you so much that you can’t focus on anything. Let’s find out what could be the reason and what can help.

Missed periods: Here are the top causes

Our Bodies
Missed your period this month? Worried what could be the cause? Relax! There could be many reasons other than pregnancy. Let’s find out.

Vaginal Dryness: Top causes

Our Bodies
If you are a woman, we bet you have experienced this at least once in your life – your vagina is usually full of sunshine and sparkles but one day you wake up feeling like a desert without an oasis! Here are a few reasons why you may be feeling dry down under.

How to increase your sperm count

Our Bodies
Is there any way to increase your sperm count? Love Matters brings you some simple yet effective remedies you can try to improve your sperm count without medical intervention!

Ovulation calendar - how to calculate ovulation 

Our Bodies
If you have sex with a man around the time of ovulation, you can get pregnant. If you want to avoid a pregnancy, don’t have unprotected intercourse around the time of ovulation.