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Intimate Partner Stalking: Top 5 Myths

Relationship problems
A classic type of intimate partner violence (IPV) is when a person tries to track and control his or her partner's behaviour. That's when showing a keen interest in a partner's life crosses the line into abuse. Check out our top five myths about intimate partner stalking.

My husband was raping me – I pretended everything was fine

Marriage troubles
Marital rape is a hidden form of sexual violence. Since it happens inside what should be the safety of a marriage, victims often find it hard to get support. Nina Mathur shares her experience and tells us how it is also interrelated with other forms of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), better known as domestic violence.

Using sex toys: Do’s and don’ts

Ways to Make Love
Sex toys can be a welcome break from the monotony of a regular sex-life. Here’s our rundown of the things you must keep in mind and continue using them rightly!

Sexual health: Top 5 facts

Safe Sex
Sexual health is defined as a being mentally, physically and socially positive about your sexuality. Read our top five facts to stay updated on sexual health.

Talking about sexual health: Do’s and don’ts

Safe Sex
Promoting sexual health through free, open and healthy discussions is as important as busting myths around it. This week, we bring you a definitive sexual health talk guide.

Porn addiction: Top 5 facts

A compulsive addiction to porn can spell serious trouble for a person’s mental, sexual and social well-being. Read our top five facts to know how harmful it is!

Threesome: Top 6 myths

Ways to Make Love
For most people, a threesome is just a wild fantasy. For others, it is a sexual disorder. What do threesomes really entail? Read along as we bust some myths!

Sext-etiquette: dos and don’ts for sexting strangers

Meeting someone
While sexting can be an irresistible impulse, it’s best to keep your hormones on a leash, at least with strangers. Here are some dos and don’ts that might help you.

Top five myths about gay relationships

Sexual Orientation
We’ve all heard vague stereotypes about same-sex relationships. Most of them are baseless. This week, Love Matters busts five common myths about gay relationships.

Top 8 myths: Sexual health and safety

Sex Problems: how to overcome them
How well informed are you when it comes to STIs, birth control etc.? We bust some popular myths surrounding sexual wellbeing and safety.