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Love in times of pain

Sexual Diversity
‘All around us we see relationships of a certain kind. Date nights that are regular, outdoors….And so many other couples things. Many of these didn’t fit us and my disability made much of this harder’. It is not easy to defy the ‘norm’ that society not just accepts, but rewards, Srinidhi Raghavan tells Rising Flame.

‘All I see around me looks like love’

Sexual Diversity
‘Sometimes, the simplest things are what we need the most, and all I wanted was to catch his attention. I never told him, or anybody else, about how I felt, but I think I secretly loved him. My life felt like a Tamil song – kanbathellam…kadhaladi… (all that I see around me looks like love!’, Dr Deepa V. shares her story with Rising Flame.

First time sex not so good - what next?

Making Love
Mahi and Ajay’s first time sex experience did not go too well. They had great expectations from it and now they both don’t know what to do? Sounds like your story? Worry not, we have some awesome tips on what to do after a round of not so pleasant sex!

Falling in love (with myself)

Sexual Diversity
‘Waking up to messages like, ‘Hey, beautiful’, and being stared at during video calls, even when I’m not wearing kajal, made me fall in love with myself a little more... When you live with a disability, you want to be with someone who loves you with your disability, not in spite of it,’ says Sweta, as she shares her story with Rising Flame.

When I got slapped for ‘May I’!

Love and relationships
First he didn’t know what consent was. And when he asked for it, he got slapped! Asking consent is tricky but necessary. Should you ask for it or go with the flow? Abhishek shares his story and tips on how to get consent right with Love Matters India.

Dating with disability in the times of COVID!

Sexual Diversity
‘We had our speaking days and non speaking days but I feel that COVID was indeed the testing time that brought us closer and made us more sensitive to our imperfections, differences, and desires,’ Nidhi Goyal, shares her story with Love Matters India.

When Corona arranged our marriage!

Love and relationships
When Kabir’s parents tried to arrange his match with Akansha, he had a mental block against arranged marriages. But things took a different turn when both of them started talking to each other during the lockdown. What happened next was a complete surprise! Kabir shares his story with Love Matters India!

He/she is 17 – Can we have sex if we both agree?

Making Love
Teenage is an exciting phase. You’re transitioning into adulthood and coming into your own. Part of this growing up experience is the curiosity around sex. While some may still be stumbling upon the details of what, if, oh, ok.... while others may be ready to try things out. However, if you live in India and are not yet 18 or your partner is not yet 18, there are a few things you need to know.