Sex & Science

In the name of progress, researchers are forever discovering the reasons behind why we do the strange things we do. Here and updates and explanations of the newest science around sex.

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Research reveals how to pick the right Tinder date

Tired of awful Tinder dates? Recent research reveals the trick to sifting through dating app profiles and picking the right one for you. Tip 1: don’t look at the photo.

Stand up straight to impress your date

Want to stand out in online dating? Just stand up straight. Good posture is one of the keys to making a good impression, according to a recent study.

How to tell if your partner is cheating

How can you tell if your partner is cheating on you? Just ask a friend. People are pretty good judges when it comes to detecting infidelity, research shows.

Sexual afterglow keeps your love alight

Do you feel great for days after you’ve had sex? That’s the sexual afterglow. Recent research reveals why it’s so important to your relationship.

Top ten relationship dealbreakers revealed

Is there anything you simply won’t put up with in a partner? If so, you’re not alone. Recent research reveals the most common relationship dealbreakers.

How to tell your partner you don’t feel like sex

Not in the mood for sex? The way you say ‘no’ to your partner has a big impact on your relationship and sex life, recent research shows.

Penis size: what women want

Do women really want their man to have a big penis? What is normal penis size? Should men worry about how to increase penis size? New research using 3D models reveals women’s preferences when it comes to penis size.

Couples who play together do better together

When’s the last time you and your partner played together? Setting aside time when fun is your only goal might just be worth your while, recent research shows.

The four kinds of cheating

What does cheating mean to you? Sex with someone else, you’re probably thinking. But for many people, there’s a lot more to being unfaithful than intercourse, recent research shows.

You’ve got a crush! But is that cheating?

Crushing on someone other than your partner doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, it could even have a positive side, according to recent research.

Why 'wrong' people are so sexy – the science

Have you ever been attracted to a guy or girl you knew was bad news? The latest science shows why people with dodgy personalities can be so damn sexy.

Why women have anal sex

What is anal sex like for women? Thirty-three young adults talk about pleasure, pain and the reasons they have anal sex in a recent study from the US.