Sex & Science

In the name of progress, researchers are forever discovering the reasons behind why we do the strange things we do. Here and updates and explanations of the newest science around sex.

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Clues and tips to improve your flirting skills

Are we flirting? Or just chatting? If you find it hard to work out other people’s romantic intentions, you’re not alone. Most of us find flirting tough.
Flirt researcher Dr Jeffrey Hall explains why flirting is so tricky – and how you can improve your flirting skills!

Couples who cuddle are happier together

Cuddling with your partner feels good… but could it actually improve your relationship? Recent research reveals the benefits of cuddles for lovers.

Why your sexiest feature is your sense of humour

Do you and your partner laugh at all the same jokes? Recent Canadian research reveals why couples share their sense of humour.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: the real reason revealed

People in committed relationships see strangers as less attractive than singles do, research has shown. Read more to find out how your relationship status can change the way you perceive a person's looks...

Why do people cheat?

If you've ever been cheated on – or were the one doing the cheating – you probably want answers. Here are three science-based theories on why we cheat.

Sex with your ex: helpful or harmful?

Does sleeping with a past partner make it more difficult to get over them? Sex with your ex might not be so bad after all, recent research shows.

The four ways a relationship can change you

Your relationship can change you – for better or worse. New research reveals why that should matter to you and your partner.

Why your new love is just like your ex

Does your current partner remind you of your ex? Or are the two as different as can be? Recent Canadian research reveals why we choose to date people who are similar to each other – or not at all.

Imagine a lover's touch to ease your stress

What do you do when you’re stressed? Science reveals a great tip for getting through tough times – and all it takes is a little imagination.

Scared to be single? Stay choosy!

Do you worry about being single? Your fears could get in the way of that great relationship you’re hoping for, recent Canadian research shows.

Female sexual desire ebbs and flows

Do you think a woman’s sex drive stays the same throughout her life or changes over time? If you’re worried about low libido, your answer to this question could make a big difference, Canadian research shows.

Why you shouldn’t believe in sexual soul mates

Do sexual soul mates exist? Believing you either have sexual chemistry with a partner – or don’t – can have a major impact on your sex life and relationship.