Long-distance relationships: do's and don'ts

'Distance makes the heart grow fonder.' But is that really true? Long-distance relationships are hard work and take lots of commitment. But don't worry. Stick to some do's and don'ts and you will see where love takes you.


  • Communicate right 
    Communication is the most important factor to making a relationship work. And it is even more important when you can't see each other on a regular basis. Not being able to talk face-to-face means things get lost in translation.

    Body language and facial expressions are really important when it comes to understanding your partner. But those aspects can get lost when you only talk on the phone. So you both need to be aware of that and make sure you understand each other.

    It can be really difficult, but the more openly you talk, the easier it will get. And in fact, being in a long-distance relationship can make you a better communicator altogether.
  • Plan some time together
    Planning to spend some time together will make being in a long-distance relationship easier. Time and money can make this difficult, but you should try to see each other regularly. Having something to look forward to will make it easier to stay committed.

    But be careful: too many expectations during your time together can cause friction and frustration. So try to just enjoy your time together.
  • Use all channels available to you
    Being in a long-distance relationship today is much easier than it was, let's say, 30 years ago. So do make use of all that technology available to you to get the best out of your relationship. Use Facebook chat, Skype regularly and send each other text messages. It makes a big difference to know someone somewhere is thinking of you, even if you can't see them all that often. 


  • Go too long without talking
    Have you heard the saying 'Out of sight, out of mind'? It may be true to a certain extent, but not if you talk regularly and don't let too much time pass without talking to each other. It's difficult to say how long 'too long' is. But it's really important that you stay in touch.

    And don't be afraid to reach out. If you are having a bad day and just want someone to say something nice to you, pick up the phone. Just hearing someone say 'I love you' can make a huge difference.
  • Be unrealistic
    Don't expect love to be enough to carry you through a long-distance relationship. Every relationship is hard work, and long-distance relationship even more so. Both of you need to be fully committed to the relationship and to making it work. Don't expect a fairy tale.

    And be honest: it's normal to feel jealous every once in a while. And your partner will have his or her concerns too. Don't get angry and clam up when this happens. Once again, good and open communication is the way to go.
  • Focus on the negatives
    A long-distance relationship can be difficult, especially if there is no end in sight. But there are lots of positives to them too. You get lots of 'me' time and time with your friends and family. And you will get to travel and get to know your partner's environment.

    There are many more upsides to long-distance relationships, but the most important one is that if you can make it work, your relationship will grow stronger and better. So hang in there!

Are you in a long-distance relationship? Have you got any more tips to share? How can one keep a long-distance relationship fresh and strong? Do leave your suggestions by commenting below or join the discussion on Facebook