Difficulties with sex: men
© Love Matters | Rita Lino

Difficulties with sex: men

Sexual difficulties are very common for men of all ages. Common guy problems include premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation – either coming much sooner or much later than you’d like.

Difficulties in bed are quite common, and most people will face them at some point in their lives. Some difficulties are temporary; others require professional attention. Most are easily treated. Usually, the biggest challenge is to admit to having a problem.

You don't need to be embarrassed when you experience sexual difficulties. Many men think they would be considered by others to be less masculine. But having your issues seen to and treated is the best thing you can do for your sexual health and your relationships.

Some sexual difficulties are related to unhealthy lifestyle choices and can be prevented by leading a healthy life: eating a balanced diet, exercising, not smoking and minimizing alcohol consumption. Basically, anything that is good for your overall health is generally good for your sexual health. But of course living a healthy life does not mean you will be immune to having issues in bed – but it might reduce the risk.

When seeing a healthcare provider for issues, the doctor will likely ask you a lot of questions about your sexual, physical and emotional health. The diagnosis will be made a lot easier if you answer these questions as honestly and in-depth as you can – even though it might feel awkward. The doctor will also likely examine you. Don't be ashamed or afraid. Remember: it's very common to have problems and you are doing the right thing by getting treatment.

What you will have to do to resolve the problem depends on the sexual difficulty. Below we cover the most common conditions, their causes and their treatments.

Sexual difficulties affect both partners

There’s no doubt about it: sexual difficulties are bad news for your sex life. If a man is always worried about getting an erection or ejaculating too soon, it’s going to be difficult for him to relax and fully enjoy the experience.
But his partner will also be left unsatisfied, especially if the man is so focused on his fears that he ignores his partner’s sexual needs. As a result, both parties are left wanting. If this continues long enough the couple may begin to avoid lovemaking and even intimacy in general.
So it's good to address any issues as soon as they arise.

Premature ejaculation

One of the most common problems for men, premature ejaculation is when a man orgasms uncontrollably, either before or shortly after sexual stimulation begins. Sometimes it can even occur with little or no physical contact.

With premature ejaculation, the orgasm becomes unwanted, spoiling the sexual experience and leaving both partners unsatisfied. Premature ejaculation affects nearly every man at some point in his life.

It may result from both physical and psychological problems, though it is usually difficult to find the exact cause.

Other psychological factors that can cause premature ejaculation include a religious background in which sex is stigmatised, stress and anxiety, guilt, depression or past sexual trauma. Physical causes may include an oversensitive glans (the top part of the penis), hormonal problems, past injuries, drug side-effects or neurological disease. In some cases, it is simply caused by disinterest or lack of attraction for a sexual partner.

In many cases, it declines as a man gains sexual experience and learns to control his ejaculation. The best way to gain mastery over ejaculation is by identifying the sensations that signal an approaching orgasm and communicating with your partner to temporarily tone down stimulation.

Using a condom or numbing creams and gels, which reduce sensation, can be other options. You could also experiment with different positions, or speak to your doctor about medications that may help treat premature ejaculation. Masturbation, and understanding what excites you, can also help you learn how to control your arousal.

Delayed ejaculation and anorgasmia

The opposite of premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation means ejaculating way later than desired – or even not at all. Not having an orgasm is also called anorgasmia. The two conditions are not the same, but are often grouped together as 'disordered orgasms'.

Disordered orgasms mostly affect older men.

They can also be caused by psychological factors. This could be fear of sex, having been abused, or thinking that sex isn't good (that it’s, for example, dirty or a sin).

When you see a doctor about this, they will ask you questions about what could be causing the problem and treat you accordingly. This may mean seeing a psychologist to discuss any issues you may have.

Erectile dysfunction

Having erectile dysfunction means being unable to get or maintain an erection. It can also refer to the quality of an erection: that the erection is not hard enough to enter the vagina.

Erectile dysfunction gets more common as men get older, but it can affect men of all ages.
Conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes make it more likely for a man to get erectile dysfunction. But also stress and fear of being unable to perform in bed can cause problems.

When looking for the cause of erectile dysfunction, doctors distinguish between three different types of erections: the ones men get in their sleep, the ones they get through mental stimulation (e.g. fantasising) and the ones brought on by touch.

To treat erectile dysfunction, it's very important to understand what causes it and then address that factor. This might involve lifestyle changes, such as a healthier diet or stopping smoking. Sometimes, it's possible to treat erectile dysfunction with medication such as Viagra – but it's best to also get to the root cause of the problem. Also, not all varieties of erectile dysfunctions can be treated with medication. Sometimes, surgery or injections may be required.

It's important to discuss all options with your doctor.

Low libido

Having low libido means that you have no or almost no sexual desire.

Low libido is often caused by psychological factors or by the body not producing enough of the hormone testosterone.

Low libido is more common in older men, or in men who drink a lot of alcohol and who are malnourished. Smoking and drugs can also play a role, as well as some medications used to treat conditions such as prostate cancer.

Stress, depression and relationship problems can also play a factor when it comes to low desire.

Men with low desire will often shy away from initiating any kind of sexual contact, and avoid the topic of sex with their partner. If they try to have sex, they might be having trouble getting or keeping an erection.

In order to treat low libido, a healthcare provider will first need to figure out what causes the problem before developing a treatment plan.This can involve psychological care or a change in medication.

Pain, bleeding, burning

Pain, bleeding, and burning are usually signs that something is wrong. It could be painful to get an erection, penetrate or ejaculate. You may notice blood around your penis, testicles or in your ejaculate. Burning most often happens after sex, when there has been too much friction.

The cause could be an STI or another infection, or a sign that you are allergic to something, such as lube or the condom. Burning can also be caused by a partner who was too dry or anal sex without sufficient lubrication.

If you experience any discomfort regularly, please have a healthcare professional rule out any serious problems. Find the cause of your problem and treat it.

Peyronie's disease

Peyronie's disease means that your penis is bent at an odd angle, making it painful to get an erection.

It can be the result of a previous injury. It is more common in men with certain medical conditions and seems to be hereditary.

Often, the condition goes away on its own after a couple of months to a few years without treatment. But sometimes injections, or even surgery, are required to take care of the symptoms.


Retrograde ejaculation  

This means that, after a man ejaculates, the fluid will run into the bladder rather than leaving the penis.

This often affects men who have nerve damage due to diabetes. Sometimes, it's also caused by certain operations around the stomach.


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बेटा जल्दी होने से कोई बात नहीं, don't worry. सबसे पहले तो अपनी पार्ट्नर की बॉडी को समझ लो- उसको टाइम दो. और यदि शरीर में उत्तेजना अधिक होगी, सेक्स की भावना ज़्यादा होगी तो शीघ्र पतन होने की संभावना भी अधिक ही होगी.ऐसी स्थिती में, पार्ट्नर पर फोकस बढ़ाना, फोरप्ले , यानी की प्रवेश करने से पहले बहुत से अलग अलग क्रियाएं करना , जिनसे दोनो को आनंद मिले, अपने पार्ट्नर की उत्तेजना बढ़ाना, यह सब activities सबसे ज़रूरी हैं. इसके इलावा, पार्ट्नर के साथ सेक्स करने से पहले, एक बार हस्त्मेथुन कर सकते हैं, उतने समय पहले जीतने में लिंग में तनाव आ जाए. कॉंडम का इस्तेमाल भी जल्दी discharge में help करता है. https://lovematters.in/hi/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/i-ejaculate-too-soon-help यदि इस मुद्दे पर आप और गहरी चर्चा में जुड़ना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे डिस्कशन बोर्ड, " जस्ट पूछो" में ज़रूर शामिल हों. https://lovematters.in/en/forum
बेटे यदि शरीर में उत्तेजना अधिक होगी, सेक्स की भावना ज़्यादा होगी तो शीघ्र पतन होने की संभावना भी अधिक ही होगी.ऐसी स्थिती में, पार्ट्नर पर फोकस बढ़ाना, फोरप्ले , यानी की प्रवेश करने से पहले बहुत से अलग अलग क्रियाएं करना , जिनसे दोनो को आनंद मिले, अपने पार्ट्नर की उत्तेजना बढ़ाना, यह सब activities सबसे ज़रूरी हैं. इसके इलावा, पार्ट्नर के साथ सेक्स करने से पहले, एक बार हस्त्मेथुन कर सकते हैं, उतने समय पहले जीतने में लिंग में तनाव आ जाए. कॉंडम का इस्तेमाल भी जल्दी discharge में help करता है. https://lovematters.in/hi/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/i-ejaculate-too-soon-help यदि इस मुद्दे पर आप और गहरी चर्चा में जुड़ना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे डिस्कशन बोर्ड, " जस्ट पूछो" में ज़रूर शामिल हों. https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Bete yadi shareer menin uttejna adhik hogi, sex ki bhavna zyada hogi toh shighrpatan hone ki sambhavna bhi adhik ho sakti hai. Aisee stithi mein, partner par focus badhana, foreplay, pravesh karne se pehle bahut se alag alag kriyaein karna, jinse dono ko aanand mile, apne partner kee uttejna badhana, yeh sab activities sabse zaroori hain. Iske ilava, partner ke saath sex karne se pehle, ek baar hastmaithun kar saktey hain, utne samay pehele jitne mein ling mein tanaav aa jaaye. Condom ka istemaal bhi jaldi discharge kum karne mein madadgaar saabit ho sakta hai. Yaha padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/i-ejaculate-too-soon-help Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Rockey beta yadi shareer menin uttejna adhik hogi, sex ki bhavna zyada hogi toh shighrpatan hone ki sambhavna bhi adhik ho sakti hai. Aisee stithi mein, partner par focus badhana, foreplay , pravesh karne se pehle bahut se alag alag kriyaein karna , jinse dono ko aanand mile, apne partner kee uttejna badhana, yeh sab activities sabse zaroori hain. Iske ilava, partner ke saath sex karne se pehle, ek baar hastmaithun kar saktey hain, utne samay pehele jitne mein ling mein tanaav aa jaaye. Condom ka istemaal bhi jaldi discharge kum karne mein madadgaar saabit ho sakta hai. Yaha padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/i-ejaculate-too-soon-help Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
पहले इस लिंक को पढ़ें https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts यदि आप इस मुद्दे पर हमसे और गहरी चर्चा में जुड़ना चाहते हैं या अपनी समस्या हमसे शेयर करना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम के इन्बॉक्स में अपनी समस्या लिखें ताकि हम आपको सही सलाह दे सकें- https://www.facebook.com/lovematters.india?mibextid=LQQJ4d https://instagram.com/lovemattersindia?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
बेटा ये passing phase भी हो सकता है, लेकिन साधारण तौर पर tension, pressure या stress के कारण भी लिंग में तनाव की कमी की समस्या हो सकती है. ये समझ लिजिए कि किसी भी sexual activity या लिंग में तनाव के लिए बिल्कुल तनाव मुक्त होना ज़रूरी है. और body को अपना काम करने दीजिए बेटे यदि कोई बीमारी ना हो तो ये ठीक हो जाना चाहिए. जिस बारे में और यहा पढ़ लो: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/4-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/i-have-erection-problems-what-are-your-tips-auntyji और यदि शरीर में उत्तेजना अधिक होगी, सेक्स की भावना ज़्यादा होगी तो शीघ्रपतन होने की संभावना भी अधिक ही होगी.ऐसी स्थिती में, पार्ट्नर पर फोकस बढ़ाना, फोरप्ले, यानी की प्रवेश करने से पहले बहुत से अलग अलग क्रियाएं करना, जिनसे दोनो को आनंद मिले, अपने पार्ट्नर की उत्तेजना बढ़ाना, यह सब activities सबसे ज़रूरी हैं. इसके इलावा, पार्ट्नर के साथ सेक्स करने से पहले, एक बार हस्त्मेथुन कर सकते हैं, उतने समय पहले जीतने में लिंग में तनाव आ जाए. कॉंडम का इस्तेमाल भी जल्दी discharge में help करता है. https://lovematters.in/hi/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/i-ejaculate-too-soon-help यदि इस मुद्दे पर आप और गहरी चर्चा में जुड़ना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे डिस्कशन बोर्ड, "जस्ट पूछो" में ज़रूर शामिल हों. https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Dekhiye Pall bete first time sex me halki bleeding ho sakti hai, lekin yadi ye har baar ho raha ho toh please iske baare ek panjikrit doctor se mil lijiye. Yaha padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/resource/faqs-hymen-and-virginity https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/virginity/female-virginity-top-five-facts Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Aman bete apne khane pine ka dhyan rakhiye aur swasth rahiye. Kabhi kabhi work load, tension ya pressure ke karan bhi aisa ho sakta hai. Agar kisi na kisi waqk penis mein tanav aa raha ho toh itni bhi chinta karne ki zarurat nahi hai. Ise padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/erection-trouble-where-turn https://lovematters.in/hi/news/4-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna   chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
pahle please is link ko padhe- https://lovematters.in/hi/ejaculation-kya-hota-hai   Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain ya apni samsya hamse share karna chate hain to hamare Facebook aur Instagram ke Inboxes mein apni samasya likhiye taki ham aapko sahi salah de saken:   https://www.facebook.com/lovematters.india?mibextid=LQQJ4d https://instagram.com/lovemattersindia?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=  

यदि आप इस मुद्दे पर हमसे और गहरी चर्चा में जुड़ना चाहते हैं या अपनी समस्या हमसे शेयर करना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम के इन्बॉक्स में अपनी समस्या लिखें ताकि हम आपको सही सलाह दे सकें-



aap pahle is link ko padhe- https://lovematters.in/hi/penis-enlargement-doesnt-work   Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain ya apni samsya hamse share karna chate hain to hamare Facebook aur Instagram ke Inboxes mein apni samasya likhiye taki ham aapko sahi salah de saken:   https://www.facebook.com/lovematters.india?mibextid=LQQJ4d https://instagram.com/lovemattersindia?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=  
Beta itna tension lenge toh ling mein tanav ki kami ki samasya toh hogi hi na! Aur viagra, aapne kya kisi panjikrit doctor ke salah se li thi? Dekhiye bete yeh toh aap jaantey hee hain na ki yeh bahut hee dangerous aur iske kai side effects ho skate hain. Aur saath hee is par ek baar yadi nirbahr ho gaye, so iske bina kar nahin payenge. Jab koi beemari ya kami ho toh baat bhi hai – wo bhi doctor ki salaah se varna nahin. Sex mein aur apne partner mein ruchi badhaiye aur sex ko enjoy kijiye, safe rahiye. Sath hi yeh samjh lijiye ki sex karney ke liye ya ling me tanav aane ke liye bilkul tanav mukt hona zaruri hai bête. Body ko apna kaam karne dijiye bête - aur yadi koi bimaari na ho to - ye thik ho jana chahiye. Ise padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/erection-trouble-where-turn https://lovematters.in/hi/news/4-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
विजय बेटा क्या समस्या है? Please, अपनी समस्या जरा स्पष्ट लिखिए, ताकि हम आपको सही सलाह दे सकें। तब तक मदद के लिए इसे पढ़िए: https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them  यदि इस मुद्दे पर आप और गहरी चर्चा में जुड़ना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे डिस्कशन बोर्ड, " जस्ट पूछो" में ज़रूर शामिल हों. https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Pradeep bete tension ya pressure ke karan bhee ling me tanav ki kami ki samasya ho sakti hai. Yeh samjh lijiye ki ling me tanav ke liye bilkul tanav mukt hona zaruri hai bête. Jis baare mein aur yaha padh lijiye : https://lovematters.in/hi/news/4-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction Aur aap khud yeh nirnay lein ki aapka ling chhota hai yeh utna uchit nahi hoga. Aur ling ka size badhane ka koi bhi tarika mojjud nahi hai. Sath hi ling ke size mein ek apna teda pann hona is quite common, don't worry isse bhi koi samsya hoti nahin hai.Yeh padhiye zara: https://lovematters.in/en/our-bodies/male-body/penis-shapes-and-sizes https://lovematters.in/hi/our-bodies/curved-penis-top-5-facts Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gahri charcha me judna chahte hai to hamare discussion Board “Just Puchho” me jarur shaamil ho. https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Aman bete kabhi kahi work load, tension ya pressure ke karan bhee ling me tanav ki kami ki samasya ho sakti hai. Yeh samjh lijiye ki ling me tanav ke liye bilkul tanav mukt hona zaruri hai bête. Jis baare mein aur yaha padh lijiye : https://lovematters.in/hi/news/4-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Relax bête! Aap khud yeh nirnay lein ki aapka ling chhota hai yeh utna uchit nahi hoga. Aur ling ka size badhane ka koi bhi tarika mojjud nahi hai. Ling ke size ki sahi jaankari yahan se hasil kijiye: https://lovematters.in/en/resource/penis-shapes-and-sizes Aur tension ya stress ke karan bhi ling mein tanav ki kami ki samasya ho sakti hai. Yeh samjh lijiye ki sex karney ke liye ya ling me tanav aane ke liye bilkul tanav mukt hona zaruri hai bête. Body ko apna kaam karne dijiye bête - aur yadi koi bimaari na ho to - ye thik ho jana chahiye. Ise padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/erection-trouble-where-turn https://lovematters.in/hi/news/4-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Beta hastmaithun ek safe /surakshit tareeka hai apni santushti karne ka. Isse koi nuksaan ya beemari nahi hoti. Yeh bhee padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/resource/men-masturbating https://lovematters.in/hi/our-bodies/is-masturbation-unhealthy Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
aap please pahle is link ko padhe- https://lovematters.in/hi/sex-erection-and-orgasm-problems-how-to-overcome-them   Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain ya apni samsya hamse share karna chate hain to hamare Facebook aur Instagram ke Inboxes mein apni samasya likhiye taki ham aapko sahi salah de saken: https://www.facebook.com/lovematters.india?mibextid=LQQJ4d https://instagram.com/lovemattersindia?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Bête kya aap married hain? Kyunki aise bahut se log hain, jinhe sex mein koi khas ruchi nahi, ismein koi burayi nahi, koi takleef nahi. Haan ye toh hai ki shadi jaise rishte mein iski ek "apeksha" hoti hi hai...so, aapko sex ki feeling kab se nahi aa rahi? Please poori baat likhiye toh hum aapko sahi salah de payenge. Kabhi kabhi work load, tension ya pressure ke karan bhi aisa ho sakta hai. Yaha padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/4-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction https://lovematters.in/hi/news/erection-trouble-where-turn https://lovematters.in/en/our-bodies/male-body/the-truth-about-morning-erections Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Beta yadi shareer menin uttejna adhik hogi, sex ki bhavna zyada hogi toh shighrpatan hone ki sambhavna bhi adhik ho sakti hai. Aisee stithi mein, partner par focus badhana, foreplay , pravesh karne se pehle bahut se alag alag kriyaein karna , jinse dono ko aanand mile, apne partner kee uttejna badhana, yeh sab activities sabse zaroori hain. Iske ilava, partner ke saath sex karne se pehle, ek baar hastmaithun kar saktey hain, utne samay pehele jitne mein ling mein tanaav aa jaaye. Condom ka istemaal bhi jaldi discharge kum karne mein madadgaar saabit ho sakta hai. Yaha padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts https://lovematters.in/hi/making-love/sex-problems-how-to-overcome-them/i-ejaculate-too-soon-help Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna   chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
Amar beta kabhi kabhi work load, tension ya pressure ke karan bhi aisa ho sakta hai. Agar kisi na kisi waqk penis mein tanav aa raha ho toh itni chinta karne ki zarurat nahi hai bête. Yeh samjh lijiye ki sex karney ke liye ya ling me tanav aane ke liye bilkul tanav mukt hona zaruri hai bête. Body ko apna kaam karne dijiye bête - aur yadi koi bimaari na ho to - ye thik ho jana chahiye. Ise padhiye: https://lovematters.in/hi/news/erection-trouble-where-turn https://lovematters.in/hi/news/4-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction Yadi aap is mudde par humse aur gehri charcha mein judna   chahte hain to hamare discussion board “Just Poocho” mein zaroor shamil ho! https://lovematters.in/en/forum
  आप प्लीज इस लिंक को पढ़ें- https://lovematters.in/hi/sex-erection-and-orgasm-problems-how-to-overcome-them     यदि आप इस मुद्दे पर हमसे और गहरी चर्चा में जुड़ना चाहते हैं या अपनी समस्या हमसे शेयर करना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम के इन्बॉक्स में अपनी समस्या लिखें ताकि हम आपको सही सलाह दे सकें- https://www.facebook.com/lovematters.india?mibextid=LQQJ4d https://instagram.com/lovemattersindia?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=    

यदि आप इस मुद्दे पर हमसे और गहरी चर्चा में जुड़ना चाहते हैं या अपनी समस्या हमसे शेयर करना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम के इन्बॉक्स में अपनी समस्या लिखें ताकि हम आपको सही सलाह दे सकें- https://www.facebook.com/lovematters.india?mibextid=LQQJ4d


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