Abortion Pills in India

What is Medical abortion/Abortion by pills?

With a medical abortion you first take a pill that stops the pregnancy – it blocks the hormone that keeps you pregnant.

Early Medical Abortion (up to ten weeks of pregnancy)

An early medical abortion is very similar to having an early natural miscarriage. There are two different pills – Mifepristone and Misoprostol. You take these 24-48 hours apart. You can take the first pill at a clinic or at your doctor’s, and the second set of pills you can safely take at home. The first pill makes sure the fertilised egg can’t settle in the womb, and the second type of pill pushes it out. After taking the second pill it takes about a while, several hours or days, for everything to leave the body.

You will experience some pain, such as bleeding, cramps, diarrhoea and sickness. This may feel like really bad period pains. You’re not likely to notice the embryo among the blood clots – it’s still no bigger than a small grape at 8 weeks, and even smaller earlier in the pregnancy. If the bleeding and pain feel too severe, you should go to the nearest clinic or hospital.

Later Medical Abortion (from ten weeks of pregnancy)

If you’ve been pregnant for more than 10 weeks, you can still have a medical abortion. The procedure is the same as for an early medical abortion, but you’ll need more than one dose of the second type of pill, Misoprostol. You will also have to wait a short time (3 – 4 hours) in between doses, so it takes a little longer.

Sometimes the placenta or afterbirth does not pass, you may need to take more abortion medication or to have surgery. If you need a later medical abortion, you should go to a health clinic – don’t try it at home. Medical supervision is encouraged.

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Sorry Yusuf bete we can't tell you the name of any medicine or pills! Nor is it healthy to take any medicine like this. It's better to meet a registered doctor about it. If you would like to join in on a further discussion on this topic, join our discussion board, "Just Ask” https://lovematters.in/en/forum
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