Types of Birth Control

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How to wear condoms - dos and dont's

Types of Birth Control
Do you know how to wear condoms? Condoms are a great accessory for sex. Yes, really! But don’t they kill the mood? Well, not as much as worrying about STDs or unwanted pregnancy! We think condoms can be super sexy if you know how to use condoms. And only safe is really sexy.

Condom too tight - maybe you're too big?

Safe Sex
Size does matter. Yes, we are talking about condom size! Condoms are more likely to break if too tight or slip if too loose says Theodoor van Boven, who runs the Condomerie, the "world's first specialised condom shop" in Amsterdam.

Saheli/Chhaya – the only non-hormonal birth control pill

Types of Birth Control
Is Saheli (also known as Chhaya) the answer for young women who would like to take the pill but have trouble with side effects? Unless you live in India, you might not even have heard of this weekly birth control pill.