There’s a girl in your class you really like as a friend. You think she’s cute. But you feel she’s too good and innocent to imagine making love to? Think again, as it may be preventing your great friendship turning into an awesome romance!
Being on the same page as your partner sexually has a major effect on whether you’re happy with him or her and your sexual life. So if you don’t, get started now!
Have you ever gone out with someone who dominates you? A lack of freedom does not a happy relationship make, according to recent research. Read on to find out what you can do when you have no control.
Want to help your partner achieve an important goal? How you support her could make a huge difference in whether she succeeds, according to recent research.
Thinking of moving from friendship to romance? A relationship with your best friend could give you a lifelong happiness boost, says the recent research.
Why are women attracted to men with muscles? Recent research has the answer – and the reason you’ve got nothing to worry about if you’re not one of them
Why do some straight men get so angry about gay sex? Is it because deep down, they're really homosexual themselves? Marking the International Day Against Homophobia, Love Matters revisits research on this controversial claim.
Love matters
Blush-free facts and stories about love, sex, and relationships