Our Bodies

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Which aphrodisiacs actually work?

Making Love
Looking for a natural way to spark passion? Read on for a list of aphrodisiacs that scientists say might genuinely improve your sex life.

Is testosterone the reason you love spicy food?

Our Bodies
Why do some people love spicy food while others can’t bear the burn? It could be a question of testosterone for those men who like it hot.

How easily do you get turned on?

Our Bodies
Do you get sexually aroused in the shower? What about when you see a hot stranger? How easily we get turned on – or off – varies a whole lot from one person to the next.

Hot penis, sexy vagina: why genital self-image matters

Our Bodies
Thinking your penis or vagina is hot stuff can give your sex life a major boost, according to a large international study.

Why falling in love makes you stupid

Love and relationships
Passionate love at the start of a relationship can actually impair our thinking. And the more in love we are, the worse it’s likely to be.

Anal sex: top five facts

Our Bodies
Anal sex – plenty say they love the intense sensation and pleasure. But many others cringe at the idea of anything other than water and soap getting near their rear end. Read all you need to know about anal sex in our top five facts.

Pubic grooming: do's and don'ts

Our Bodies
Where once the idea of pubic grooming was regarded as rather unseemly, today it has developed into a major industry for men and women alike.

Genital hygiene: do's and don'ts

Our Bodies
How do you keep your vagina or penis clean and fresh? We all know about washing our hands, but many of us are less sure when it comes to washing our genitals.