I am hostler girl and my body color is fair. Upto the age of 18year my viginal place were not dark and when pee infront of my girlfriends after lokking my vigina they said really it is nice and fair,ur boyfriend. Or husband may be lucky one when u introduces them for foreplay. Asmy room partners vigina place is too dark and non are virgin and they remove their airs with cheap quality of hair remover shoap. And I alwaus use ”Anefrench hair remover"and after sex with my one class mate. My boyfriend also praise about my fair ness of vigina and ny breast and nipple areola areas. One day my boyfriend suggested me to clean ur hairs with man shaving kit and he shave my pubic hairs and tell me how to use it and keep it clean and hairless vigina always looks nice.” From that day shave my pubic hairs twice in aweek and I marked that it become dark now why.? Is due to use of razer instead of shaving cream. Though daily wash it with face washing shoap and apply fairness cream on viginal lips, and legs .why my vigina is dark.my friend never say anything about it but my hostler girl friends say due to the pressure of penis and skin to skin I touches it may cause in some girls,it is true?
I am hostler girl and my body