
Masturbation and sex for persons with disabilities

Almost everyone masturbates – it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just part of being a sexual person.

Living with a disability doesn’t mean you have to miss out on masturbation. It’s a great way to get to know your own body, find out what turns you on and enjoy yourself. It’s safe and can help you find out what works for you. You don’t need a partner to experience sexual pleasure – and even if you’re in a relationship, there’s no reason not to masturbate.

It makes no difference whether you have a disability or not. Masturbation is something everyone can enjoy.

Whatever you’ve heard about masturbation, don’t worry: you will not become, skinny, weak, or mad from masturbating. It doesn’t give you a stomach ache or fever. It won’t affect your fertility. And there’s no age limit – most people masturbate, whether they’re very young or elderly. You can masturbate as often as you want, and for as long as you want. Nothing bad will happen.

It’s completely normal to fantasise when you masturbate, even if you think about something you wouldn’t consider doing in real life.

How to masturbate 

If you can’t reach your penis or vagina with your hands, you can use sex toys to masturbate. There are vibrators with extra-long handles for that purpose. You can also try to masturbate without using your hands – you can try to rub yourself against a pillow or the mattress, for example.

Try to masturbate in a relaxed, private setting and give yourself lots of time. Look at some arousing pictures, use toys and plenty of lubrication, and don't beat yourself up if it doesn't work. If you’re in a relationship, you can have fun masturbating with your partner – ask them to give you a hand.

Things may not work out immediately. Patience may be the key, and if it isn't, have a chat with your healthcare provider – they made be able to help you.

If you can't get an erection or physically aroused, that is okay There are plenty of body parts that can create sexual pleasure. However, do not hesitate to talk to your health care provider. It may have something to do with your condition or treatment, and your doctor will be able to discuss the options with you.


It’s your right to be sexually active. But if you share a room with someone else and there’s not much privacy, it can be difficult to ask for it. Or perhaps your disability means you need some help to masturbate. You might have to talk to someone about it, and that’s not easy.

But be brave! Masturbation is normal, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t enjoy it. Look at it this way: whoever you talk to about it, you can be almost sure that they masturbate too. And if they can, why shouldn’t you?