© Love Matters | Rita Lino

Knowing when to break up

Do you feel like you’ve given it all you’ve got to your relationship? Does your relationship make you tired? Or have you just grown apart? Do you see no light at the end of the tunnel? Well, then it’s probably time to consider ending your relationship.

Breaking up with your partner is never easy, but sometimes you have to do it. Sometimes we stay in unhappy relationships because making a tough decision about ending it will cause a lot of inconvenience. So if you’re putting it off even though you feel it’s the right thing to do, you’re in the same boat as many other people.



It’s tough to know if it really is time to break up with your partner. Here are a few signs to help you decide that it’s time to break up and move on:

  • You are in an abusive or controlling relationship
  • You cheated on your partner or your partner cheated on you
  • You have lost interest in spending time with your partner
  • Your relationship has changed a lot since you first started being together. You are finding the change unpleasant or are unable to cope with it.
  • You fight a lot with your partner. These fights keep happening even though you’ve tried talking out the underlying problems properly.
  • You find it tough just to be yourself in the relationship.
  • You find it difficult to talk to your partner.
  • You have begun keeping secrets from your partner or have discovered that your partner is keeping secrets from you.
  • You and your partner find yourselves having to say “sorry” too often.
  • It has been a long time since you said ‘I love you’ to each other.
  • You haven’t had sex in a long time.
  • You lack the energy, drive or motivation to make up to your partner.

These are just a few indicators. The strongest of them all is that you feel there’s something wrong with your relationship.

Relationships always have their ups and downs. It can be worth working hard with your partner to try to improve the situation. Sometimes the problems aren’t really about you and your partner, but about the outside circumstances of your life that are straining your relationship – things like money worries, trouble at work, a lost job or arguments with family. Yes, you can come out of the other side of a bad patch feeling closer than ever. But that doesn’t mean you and/or your partner should spend years of your life feeling unhappy all the time.So sometimes a break-up is the best option.